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Bundles vanish a second or two after Gmail loads

Open tapir-whorf opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments

With Inboxy installed, Gmail loads with bundles displaying perfectly — then, within a second or two, the bundling vanishes and all emails contained under that bundle reappear in the 'main' inbox.

(Also, please consider writing up some documentation; this extension offers such valuable functionality, yet despite how simple its function and settings are, behavior isn't consistent enough to know whether it's working correctly! It'd be especially helpful to have a few troubleshooting tips for folks who don't have the skillset to review known issues on Github.)

tapir-whorf avatar Nov 08 '21 23:11 tapir-whorf

I've also lost bundle functionality over the last ~week.

inboxy-debug: Handle content loaded event
content.js:49 inboxy-debug: Url:, page supports bundling: true
content.js:176 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelector')
    at tryBundling (content.js:176:1)
    at HTMLDocument.handleContentLoaded (content.js:146:1)
invalid/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED

My line numbers are OBO vs what I see in the repo - here is the source view.

I've noticed this doesn't repro across all of my accounts + machines, which makes me think I'm in a % rollout for some subtle new variation on the UI.

Theresa, can you give me some tips on where I should be looking in the source to find the new element name? I don't want to paste my entire DOM here but it's a little bit tricky to tell what's meant to be where.

samuelalexmclean avatar Feb 07 '22 09:02 samuelalexmclean

In case this still hasn't been fixed, you can try out bundling in Simplify Gmail's v3 beta (Chrome only at this moment). I fully support keyboard shortcuts (J/K or arrow keys) and do a lot of things to prevent messages or bundles from jumping around unexpectedly when you archive things. I've also been posting videos during development.

leggett avatar Jul 06 '22 15:07 leggett

Thanks Michael - unfortunately I run this in a corporate context and we need to fork + code review the extension (which only really works for FOSS). Will explore Simplify for my personal account though!

samuelalexmclean avatar Jul 09 '22 03:07 samuelalexmclean

Sounds good. I tried FOSS for the first ~2 years but (a) the extension turned out to be way more work than I expected to maintain and (b) no one showed up to help.

If you happen to be at Google (the only place I've hit this so far), I work with some Googlers to maintain a version internally. I think you can get it at go/simplify-gmail

leggett avatar Jul 09 '22 06:07 leggett

Huge! Thanks Michael.

samuelalexmclean avatar Jul 11 '22 00:07 samuelalexmclean

Inboxy suddenly stopped working for me too, and it looks like that project hasn't been active in quite some time. Bummer, I really liked it. Here's another alternative that's free and works great for me so far (no affiliation to me):

tmenier avatar Aug 13 '22 14:08 tmenier