AppStoreStyleHorizontalScrollView copied to clipboard
How to use in the ScrollView?
How to use in the ScrollView?
`let horizontalScrollView:ASHorizontalScrollView = ASHorizontalScrollView(frame:CGRect(x: 0, y: Y, width:ScreenWidth, height: 50)) //for iPhone 5s and lower versions in portrait horizontalScrollView.marginSettings_320 = MarginSettings(leftMargin: 10, miniMarginBetweenItems: 5, miniAppearWidthOfLastItem: 20) //for iPhone 4s and lower versions in landscape horizontalScrollView.marginSettings_480 = MarginSettings(leftMargin: 10, miniMarginBetweenItems: 5, miniAppearWidthOfLastItem: 20) // for iPhone 6 plus and 6s plus in portrait horizontalScrollView.marginSettings_414 = MarginSettings(leftMargin: 10, miniMarginBetweenItems: 5, miniAppearWidthOfLastItem: 20) // for iPhone 6 plus and 6s plus in landscape horizontalScrollView.marginSettings_736 = MarginSettings(leftMargin: 10, miniMarginBetweenItems: 10, miniAppearWidthOfLastItem: 30) //for all other screen sizes that doesn't set here, it would use defaultMarginSettings instead horizontalScrollView.defaultMarginSettings = MarginSettings(leftMargin: 10, miniMarginBetweenItems: 10, miniAppearWidthOfLastItem: 20) horizontalScrollView.uniformItemSize = CGSize(width: 80, height: 50)
//this must be called after changing any size or margin property of this class to get acurrate margin
for _ in 1...20{
let button = UIButton(frame:
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.purple
I don't get what your question is.
This control can not be used in ScrollView I add this to the ScrollView, but I can't scroll
This control itself is a scrollview, why do you add it to a scrollview?