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Replace with regular expressions on MacOS
Hi, I am not sure if what I am observing is a bug, a limitation of the regular expressions replace feature, or if I am missing something when trying to use the feature.
2 things that do not work for me:
1. Trying to set the style of subtitles using a regex. (This I think may be a limitation)
Take as an example the following subtitle entry (as plain text):
00:14:41,520 --> 00:14:44,840
<Soy Jeremy. Jeremy Parks.
<El tonto que te chocó de atrás.
Where some lines start with "<" for some weird reason, but by looking at the context in the video those lines should be in italics. So I want to use a regular expression for replacing such as:
Original value: "^<" New value: "<i>"
But the regular expression just inserts the text "<i>" as part of the subtitle instead of changing the style to italics.
2. Trying to use the new line character "\n" in the New value field. (This one looks like a bug to me)
Take as an example the following subtitle entry (in plain text):
00:28:15,020 --> 00:28:17,300
así que, no podemos ver su cara.
- ¿Y Corinne?
Where the entry is about a dialog between two people, so I want to fix it by checking if any entry has a hyphen next to a new line character but no hyphen at the start of the text, and inserting the hyphen at the start of the text so to get this result:
00:28:15,020 --> 00:28:17,300
- así que, no podemos ver su cara.
- ¿Y Corinne?
The regular expression values for the replace I am using are:
Original value: "^ *([^-]+)\n- *([^-]+)$" New value: "- $1\n- $2"
Which gives me the following result (also in plain text):
00:28:15,020 --> 00:28:17,300
- así que, no podemos ver su cara.n- ¿Y Corinne?
Meaning that for some reason instead of inserting a new line character "\n" it is inserting just a "n" with no backslash.
If I test both the original text and the original value and new value in regular expressions 101, it gives me the result I expect in Jubler, which is:
00:28:15,020 --> 00:28:17,300
- así que, no podemos ver su cara.
- ¿Y Corinne?
Am I missing something in the values I am using for the replace?