Pierre Slamich

Results 853 comments of Pierre Slamich

![512x512@2x](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/assets/1689815/f982ec72-1e88-45b5-85dc-681295086ec1) https://www.figma.com/file/dJSxFNE0AmXnDgwb1nIzXM/Official-macOS-App-Icon-Template-(Community)?type=design&node-id=0-58&mode=design&t=jau7wfipCZUcRUNF-0 @tfmorris @wetneb I redid something in Figma from a template: https://openrefine.org/img/openrefine_logo.svg

not even that (although it could be another interesting issue) I just expected it to propose Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as suggested properties Is that because it didn't detect a...

Hey @piyushkumar12111111 assigned.

Let's do the simple version, with just a link to Food Preferences

@ooprathamm I'm unassigning you. Feel free to reclaim the issue.

What happens in the app if we artificially increase font-size using system settings ?

@serrq We're not in the business of managing financial risk and abstracting the complexity of the Crypto World, at least for small and medium amounts. We would probably convert cryptos...

- That's an interesting idea @raphael0202 @g123k 👍 - GBoard is introducing a related feature: https://9to5google.com/2024/02/21/gboard-scan-text-ocr-tool/