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A cloud-native 5G Network based on OAI platform, fully deployed on Kubernetes, enhanced with AI Unit to forecast the interactions between end-users and applications, and to improve the Quality of Expe...
Service-Aware Real-Time Slicing for Virtualized beyond 5G Networks
A cloud-native 5G Network based on OAI platform, fully deployed on Kubernetes, enhanced with AI Unit to forecast the interactions between end-users and applications, and to improve the Quality of Experience of the users in real-time by utilizing the FlexRAN Controller.
Installation Guide:
A) Install on Nitos Testbed (Highly Recommended)
- Create a User Account, Get a Slice & Reserve Nodes on the Testbed
Check the documentation:
- Load the images on the nodes:
Tested on Nodes: node055, node084, node085, node054, node065, node057
node055: USRP B210 Node - Use it as a Kubernetes worker node084: Simple Node - Use it as a Kubernetes worker node086: Simple Node- Use it as Kubernetes Master Node
node054, node065 & node057: HUAWEI LTE Dongles Nodes - Use them as UEs
For the Kubernetes Cluster (use the specific nodes):
root@host:~# ssh -X [email protected]
slicename@nitlab3:~$ omf load -i app-aware-node.ndz -t node055,node084,node085
For the UEs (use the specific nodes):
slicename@nitlab3:~$ omf load -i app-aware-ue.ndz -t node054,node065,node057
After the load completes, access the nodes through ssh: e.g.:
slicename@nitlab3:~$ ssh -X root@node086
Cluster Installation:
Assign Unique Hostname for Each Server Node (use the same hostnames)
For Master Node:
root@node086:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname master
For Worker:
root@node085:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname cloud-worker
Specifically for the USRP worker:
root@node055:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname antenna-worker
Add Host File Info Now we will log in to each machine and edit the /etc/hosts configuration file using this command.
root@host:~# tee -a /etc/hosts< master > cloud-worker > antenna-worker > EOF
note: The IPs are random.
Init Cluster through scripts:
root@master:~# bash kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
Join Worker Nodes to Cluster:
root@cloud-worker:~# kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
root@antenna-worker:~# kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
Install NFS to Cluster through scripts:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# bash
On the Worker Nodes:
root@cloud-worker:~# bash
root@antenna-worker:~# bash
Let’s ensure we can read/write to the shared directory. On one worker, touch a file:
touch /mnt/nfs_client_files/ok.txt
On another worker, look for the file:
ls /mnt/nfs_client_files/ | grep ok.txt
If the file exists, you’re good to go.
Deploy Storages (Local-Host Provisioner, NFS Provisioner) & Multus CNI:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# bash
Deploy AI Containerized 5G Network & Applications:
On the antenna-worker Node:
root@antenna-worker:~# bash
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash deploy-all
Wait until all pods are running.
UE Connectivity:
- Turn USB Dongles on for each of UE:
root@node076:~# lte_dongle -o
- Connect to the Network
For each UE:
root@node054:~# minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1
root@node065:~# minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
root@node057:~# minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1
(For easy copy paste run on serial console: ^az -> t -> f -> change from 0 to 1 -> enter -> enter)
Enter the following:
Turn off the antenna until the 5G network is up:
When the CU/DU pods are running then:
Then enter:
Finally, enter:
If it returns IP in hex form, then exit minicom and:
root@ue:~# bash
Then do the same for the next UE.
Create Traffic:
On the UEs:
root@ue:~# cd app_aware/scenarios/scenario3/
root@ue:~/app_aware/scenarios/scenario3/ bash
(for UE2: bash , for UE3: bash
On-Demand Resource Provisioning:
Watch the logs on the Master Node: For App-Aware Predictor:
root@master:~# kubectl logs -f oai-spgwu-86bfc8f9f7-2zrf2 -c predictor -n oai
For FlexRAN:
root@master:~# kubectl logs -f flexran-588f7bc566-8kmjd -c predictor -n oai
Employ Kubeflow Pipeline:
- First, destroy the 5G Deployment and the apps:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash
On the Master Node:
- Create a database and a table inside MySQL Container:
root@master:~# kubectl exec -ti mysql-63082529-2z3ki bash
mysql-63082529-2z3ki@root:~# mysql -h mysql -ppassword
mysql> CREATE TABLE oai.app_data(
Packet_Num varchar(6),
Time_packet varchar(6),
Source varchar(15),
Destination varchar(15),
Protocol varchar(12),
Length_packet varchar(6)
Install Kubeflow:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install tar -xzvf kfctl_v1.0.2-0-ga476281_linux.tar.gz
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install ./kfctl apply -V -f kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml
After the installation, wait until all pods are running.
Deploy the 5G Network and the Applications:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash
- Deploy the pipeline volume:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files kubectl create -f kubeflow-nfs-volume.yml
Compile the pipeline script which will generate a yaml manifest (called app-aware-pipeline.yaml) the one will be uploaded to Kubeflow Pipelines service in order to run the pipeline:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files python3
Then upload the yaml file in master_ip:31380 kubeflow service
B) Install on a Different Testbed
Minimum Requirements:
- 6 Nodes (3 Nodes for the cluster and 3 Nodes for the UEs): Ubuntu bionic 18.04.2 LTS amd64/ Kernel 4.7.2 Low Latency | Cores=4 Mem=8G Root-disk=40G
- 1 of the Cluster Nodes equipped with SDR USRP Device, preferably: ETTUS USRP B210 USB (anntena-worker)
- All the UE nodes equipped with LTE Dongles
- SIM cards configuration :
- mcc = 460
- mnc = 99
- Ki: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
- Opcode: (HSS) 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
- plmnid: 46099
Cluster Installation:
- Install Docker for Each Server Node:
root@host:~# sudo apt-get install
root@host:~# sudo systemctl enable docker
root@host:~# sudo systemctl start docker
- Install Kubernetes (v1.21.0) for Each Server Node:
root@host:~# curl -s | sudo apt-key add
root@host:~# sudo apt-add-repository "deb kubernetes-xenial main"
root@host:~# sudo apt install kubeadm=1.21.0-00 kubectl=1.21.0-00 kubelet=1.21.0-00
root@host:~# sudo apt-mark hold kubeadm kubelet kubectl
root@host:~# sudo swapoff -a
root@host:~# sed -i '/ swap / s/^\(.*\)$/#\1/g' /etc/fstab
Assign Unique Hostname for Each Server Node (use the same hostnames)
For Master Node:
root@host:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname master
For Worker:
root@host:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname cloud-worker
Specifically for the USRP worker:
root@host:~# sudo hostnamectl set-hostname antenna-worker
Add Host File Info Now we will log in to each machine and edit the /etc/hosts configuration file using this command.
root@host:~# tee -a /etc/hosts< master > cloud-worker > antenna-worker > EOF
note: The IPs are random.
Init Cluster through scripts:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/install_scripts root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/install_scripts bash kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
Join Worker Nodes to Cluster:
root@cloud-worker:~# kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
root@antenna-worker:~# kubeadm join master:6443 --token 1iv0jy.04ngrum11g1jvrya --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:3651eeb28835fc1b94d8f626be8467024f80ed77cef5c89d4c78940f7d79bf8d
Install NFS to Cluster through scripts:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/install_scripts root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/install_scripts bash
On the Worker Nodes:
root@cloud-worker:~# cd app_aware/deployment/install_scripts root@cloud-worker:~/app_aware/deployment/install_scripts bash
root@antenna-worker:~# cd app_aware/deployment/install_scripts root@antenna-worker:~/app_aware/deployment/install_scripts bash
Let’s ensure we can read/write to the shared directory. On one worker, touch a file:
touch /mnt/nfs_client_files/ok.txt
On another worker, look for the file:
ls /mnt/nfs_client_files/ | grep ok.txt
If the file exists, you’re good to go.
Deploy Storages (Local-Host Provisioner , NFS Provisioner) & Multus CNI:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/install_scripts bash
Install Kubeflow:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install tar -xzvf kfctl_v1.0.2-0-ga476281_linux.tar.gz
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install ./kfctl apply -f kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml
After the installation, wait until all pods are running.
Deploy AI Containerized 5G Network & Applications:
- It is highly recommended before the deployment, to download the images on both of the Worker Nodes:
ttsourdinis/oai-parser latest
MySQL 5.6
ttsourdinis/oai-spgwc latest
cassandra 3.11
ttsourdinis/flexran-agent v2.2.1
ttsourdinis/oai-build latest
ttsourdinis/webrtc latest
ttsourdinis/oai-spgwu latest
ttsourdinis/oai-hss latest
ttsourdinis/oai-mme latest
ttsourdinis/web-server latest
ttsourdinis/sipp latest
For example:
root@cloud-worker:~# docker pull ttsourdinis/oai-parser
root@antenna-worker:~# docker pull ttsourdinis/flexran-agent:v2.2.1
- Edit the cassandra.yaml file to add the subscriber 3 UEs:
On the config_map section, for example:
INTO vhss.users_imsi (imsi, msisdn, access_restriction, key, mmehost, mmeidentity_idmmeidentity,
mmerealm, rand, sqn, subscription_data) VALUES ('460990010001045', 0033663000021,
41, '000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F', 'oai-mme.oai.svc.cluster.local', 4, 'oai.svc.cluster.local',
'2683b376d1056746de3b254012908e0e', 96, '{\"Subscription-Data\":{\"Access-Restriction-Data\":41,\"Subscriber-Status\":0,\"Network-Access-Mode\":2,\"Regional-Subscription-Zone-Code\":[\"0x0123\",\"0x4567\",\"0x89AB\",\"0xCDEF\",\"0x1234\",\"0x5678\",\"0x9ABC\",\"0xDEF0\",\"0x2345\",\"0x6789\"],\"MSISDN\":\"0x0033663000021\",\"AMBR\":{\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL\":50000000,\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL\":100000000},\"APN-Configuration-Profile\":{\"Context-Identifier\":0,\"All-APN-Configurations-Included-Indicator\":0,\"APN-Configuration\":{\"Context-Identifier\":0,\"PDN-Type\":0,\"Served-Party-IP-Address\":[\"\",\"\"],\"Service-Selection\":\"apn.oai.svc.cluster.local\",\"EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile\":{\"QoS-Class-Identifier\":9,\"Allocation-Retention-Priority\":{\"Priority-Level\":15,\"Pre-emption-Capability\":0,\"Pre-emption-Vulnerability\":0}},\"AMBR\":{\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL\":50000000,\"Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL\":100000000},\"PDN-GW-Allocation-Type\":0,\"MIP6-Agent-Info\":{\"MIP-Home-Agent-Address\":[\"\"]}}},\"Subscribed-Periodic-RAU-TAU-Timer\":0}}');\nINSERT
- Deploy:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash deploy-all
Wait until all pods are running.
UE Applications Install & Network Connectivity:
- Install Applications for Each UE:
For SIPp:
root@ue:~# cd app_aware/deployment/ue/sipp_installer sudo chmod +x
root@ue:~/app_aware/deployment/ue/sipp_installer sudo ./
For Chromium:
root@ue:~# sudo apt install chromium-browser
- Connect to the Network
For each UE:
root@ue:~# minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1
(For easy copy paste run on serial console: ^az -> t -> f -> change from 0 to 1 -> enter -> enter)
Enter the following:
Turn off the antenna until the 5G network is up:
When the CU/DU pods are running then:
Then enter:
Finally, enter:
If it returns IP in hex form, then exit minicom and:
root@ue:~# dhclient wwan0
root@ue:~# ifconfig wwan0 netmask -arp
root@ue:~# route add -net gw
Create Traffic:
On the UEs:
root@ue:~# cd app_aware/scenarios/scenario3/
root@ue:~/app_aware/scenarios/scenario3/ bash
(for UE2: bash , for UE3: bash
On-Demand Resource Provisioning:
Watch the logs on the Master Node:
For App-Aware Predictor:
root@master:~# kubectl logs -f oai-spgwu-86bfc8f9f7-2zrf2 -c predictor -n oai
For FlexRAN:
root@master:~# kubectl logs -f flexran-588f7bc566-8kmjd -c predictor -n oai
Employ Kubeflow Pipeline:
- First, destroy the 5G Deployment and the apps:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash destroy-all
On the Master Node:
- Create a database and a table inside MySQL Container:
root@master:~# kubectl exec -ti mysql-63082529-2z3ki bash
mysql-63082529-2z3ki@root:~# mysql -h mysql -ppassword
mysql> CREATE TABLE oai.app_data(
Packet_Num varchar(6),
Time_packet varchar(6),
Source varchar(15),
Destination varchar(15),
Protocol varchar(12),
Length_packet varchar(6)
Install Kubeflow:
On the Master Node:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install tar -xzvf kfctl_v1.0.2-0-ga476281_linux.tar.gz
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/install ./kfctl apply -V -f kfctl_k8s_istio.v1.0.2.yaml
After the installation, wait until all pods are running.
Deploy the 5G Network and the Applications:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/ bash
- Deploy the pipeline volume:
root@master:~# cd app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files kubectl create -f kubeflow-nfs-volume.yml
Compile the pipeline script which will generate a yaml manifest (called app-aware-pipeline.yaml) the one will be uploaded to Kubeflow Pipelines service in order to run the pipeline:
root@master:~/app_aware/deployment/kubeflow/pipeline-files python3
Then upload the yaml file in master_ip:31380 kubeflow service