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🐲 🧰 Collection of basic CPU algorithms and data structures implemented in C++.
:dragon_face: :toolbox: cpu toolkit
Collection of basic CPU algorithms and data structures implemented in C++.
:hammer: Algorithms
:floppy_disk: Compression
:chains: Dynamic Programming
:joystick: Game-Playing
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Graph
:moneybag: Greedy
:closed_lock_with_key: Hashing
:scroll: Mathematical
:man_juggling: Combinatorics
:mechanical_arm: Linear Algebra
:abacus: Number Theory
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Bit Manipulation
:game_die: Probability Theory
:1234: Numerical Analysis
:milky_way: Numerical Optimization
:globe_with_meridians: Computational Geometry
:jigsaw: Puzzle-Solving
:mag: Search
:bar_chart: Sorting
:wrestling: Comparison-Based
:1st_place_medal: Linear
:2nd_place_medal: Log-Linear
:3rd_place_medal: Quadratic
:lotus_position: Non-Comparison
:hankey: Embarrassingly Inefficient
:dna: String
:wrench: Data Structures
:train: List
:deciduous_tree: Tree
:bus: Array
:mount_fuji: Heap
:card_file_box: Hashing
:ice_cube: Geometric
:slot_machine: Probabilistic
:man_teacher: Learning Resources
:card_file_box: Rosetta Code
:black_joker: Big-O Cheatsheet
:card_file_box: E-Maxx Algorithms
:man_technologist: Bit-Twiddling Hacks
:card_file_box: LiteratePrograms Wiki
:black_joker: Algorithmic Cheatsheet
:card_file_box: Bit-Twiddling Resources
:black_joker: Data Structures Cheatsheet
:book: Algorithms by Jeff Erickson
:card_file_box: Mathematics Source Library
:man_technologist: Collection of C++ Algorithms
:card_file_box: The Arcane Algorithm Archive
:man_teacher: Algorithms Course by Pat Morin
:thought_balloon: Programming Blog by Ivan Kutskir
:man_teacher: Algorithms Course by Frank Stajano
:man_teacher: Data Structures Course by Pat Morin
:thought_balloon: Programming Blog by Alesiani Marco
:man_teacher: Algorithms Course by Damon Wischik
:card_file_box: Computer Science Guides by CodePath
:man_teacher: Data Structures Course by Dave Mount
:man_teacher: Discrete Structures Course by Pat Morin
:card_file_box: The Sound of Sorting by Timo Bingmann
:card_file_box: Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
:man_technologist: Cosmos Codebase by OpenGenus Foundation
:tv: CS Theory Toolkit Lectures by Ryan O'Donnell
:man_teacher: Advanced Algorithms Course by David Karger
:man_teacher: Advanced Data Structures Course by Pat Morin
:tv: Advanced Algorithms Lectures by Jelani Nelson
:tv: Computer Science Lectures by Ghassan Shobaki
:man_teacher: Randomized Algorithms Course by David Karger
:tv: Analysis of Algorithms Lectures by Steven Skiena
:man_technologist: Algorithms and Data Structures by Ravi Mandliya
:man_teacher: Computational Geometry Course by Dave Mount
:man_teacher: Advanced Data Structures Course by Dave Mount
:tv: Advanced Algorithms Course by Michel Goemans
:tv: Algorithms for Big Data Lectures by Jelani Nelson
:man_teacher: Advanced Data Structures Course by Erik Demaine
:man_technologist: Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
:man_technologist: Learn Modern C++ Course by Richard Spencer
:card_file_box: Algorithms and Data Structures by Douglas Harder
:man_technologist: Algorithms and Data Structures by Petar Veličković
:man_teacher: Algorithmic Lower Bounds Course by Erik Demaine
:card_file_box: Computer Science Courses by Dr. Shun Yan Cheung
:book: The Computer Science Handbook by Michael Young
:tv: Advanced Data Structures Lectures by Niema Moshiri
:tv: Algorithms Illuminated Lectures by Tim Roughgarden
:man_teacher: Modern C++ Programming Course by Federico Busato
:man_teacher: Geometric Folding Algorithms Course by Erik Demaine
:man_teacher: Algorithms and Data Structures Course by Pavel Mavrin
:writing_hand: Computational Geometry Course Notes by David Mount
:tv: Computational Geometry Course by Philipp Kindermann
:man_teacher: Applied Algorithms Course from University of Washington
:card_file_box: Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials offered by Programiz
:man_technologist: Collection of Algorithms and Data Structures by William Fiset
:man_teacher: Introduction to Algorithms Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Algorithms Coursera Specialization offered by Stanford University
:man_teacher: Topics in Theoretical Computer Science Course by Jonathan Kelner
:book: Distributed Algorithms Book by Juho Hirvonen and Jukka Suomela
:man_teacher: Algorithms and Data Structures Course by Kevin Wayne and others
:man_teacher: Algorithms Coursera Specialization offered by Princeton University
:man_technologist: Collection of Algorithms and Data Structures by Andrei Navumenka
:man_teacher: Introduction to Algorithms Course by Erik Demaine and Srini Devadas
:man_teacher: Data Structures and Algorithms Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Course by Jonathan Katz
:man_teacher: Computer Algorithms in Systems Engineering Course by George Kocur
:man_teacher: Mathematics for Computer Science by Albert Meyer and Adam Chlipala
:man_teacher: Introduction to Data Compression Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Introduction to Mathematical Programming Course by Dimitris Bertsimas
:tv: Efficient Programming with Components Lectures by Alexander Stepanov
:man_teacher: Design and Analysis of Algorithms I Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Design and Analysis of Algorithms II Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Course by Dana Moshkovitz and Bruce Tidor
:man_teacher: Algorithms and Computational Complexity Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Performance Engineering of Software Systems Course by Charles Leiserson and Julian Shun
:man_teacher: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis Course from University of Washington
:man_teacher: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Course by Erik Demaine, Srini Devadas and Nancy Lynch
:man_teacher: Programming Parallel Computers Course by Jukka Suomela, Samuli Laine and Jaakko Lehtinen
:man_teacher: Data Structures and Algorithms Coursera Specialization offered by University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and HSE University
:man_teacher: Data Structures Stepik Course offered by University of California, San Diego (UCSD), the University of San Diego (USD) and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR)