tensorrt copied to clipboard
Segmentation fault on graph optimization
Hello all,
I have some troubles optimizing an object detector (SSD) with custom bounding box decoder. It works well when running it with TF2 but I get a SEGFAULT when trying to pass it through TF-TRT. Because the code and the saved_model are proprietary, they can't be given there. However, the code is similar with this exemple : https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/frameworks/tf-trt-user-guide/index.html I hope someone will be able to decode that logs to find what's wrong in there. Thanks.
Environement container : nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:20.03-tf2-py3 NVIDIA GV100-32GB
Output log_detector_trt.txt
Hi, it looks like the same issue as #181. That one is fixed in TF master, please give it a try.
Ok, I will check that with the latest tf release! Thanks a lot
Hi, did you get any luck? This is literally the same issue that I'm having. If it worked can you provide the environment details?
Thanks and much appreciated
when will the nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:20.05-tf2-py3
be available for us to test with this latest change?
@tfeher I also have another question from your stack-overflow response: Why does tf-trt create individual engines for each operation? Conversion from uff/onnx creates one engine file for the entire network. Can we load multiple serialized engine files the same way using the C++ TensorRT API?