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tf2.4.1 + Keras model + Large Dataset = Memory leak?

Open cjmcgraw opened this issue 3 years ago • 11 comments

Hey guys.

I work at a relatively large scale company, and during my training loop I am eventually running OOM on my vms. This is unexpected and I was hoping someone could take a look at what I have here and maybe point me in the right direction to solving this problem?

I am using tensorflow_ranking for a large scale recommender at my company. Having upgraded to tensorflow==2.4.1 and tensorflow-ranking=0.3.3 I believe I am running into some kind of unexpected memory leak. I am running in a kubeflow cluster, with gcr.io/deeplearning-platform-release/tf2-gpu.2-4:latest as the container.

This is what I consistently see during training: image

Notice both the CPU and GPU memory are slowly creeping upwards, eventually causing an OOM error.

My data is TFRecords, generated from beam. They are encoded in ELWC style. Their list size is maximum 240, but varies based on session. Generally I have 230gb of train data, with a 0.01 test/eval split.

I am loading the data using the following function:

def load_dataset(kind='train', list_size_feature='list_size', limit=limit):
    context_spec, example_spec = get_features_dataset_spec(with_label=True)
    file_pattern = f"{data_dir}/{kind}/*.tfrecord"
    log.info(f"loading dataset from file_pattern: {file_pattern}")
    dataset = tfr.data.build_ranking_dataset(
        shuffle=True if kind == 'train' else False,
        num_epochs=num_epochs if kind == 'train' else 1,

    def _separate_features_and_label(features):
        features_without_labels = {
            feature: value
            for feature, value in features.items()
            if feature != 'labels'
        labels = tf.cast(
            x=tf.squeeze(features[_LABEL_FEATURE_NAME], axis=2),
        return features_without_labels, labels
    if limit:
        dataset = dataset.take(limit)

    return dataset

train_data = load_dataset('train')
eval_data = load_dataset('eval')
test_data = load_dataset('test')

Here I am building the network/ranker:

context_columns, example_columns = get_feature_columns()
network = tfr.keras.canned.DNNRankingNetwork(
    hidden_layer_dims=[1024, 512, 256, 128, 64],

metrics = [
        dict(key="ndcg", topn=k, name=f"metric/ndcg_{k}")
        for k in (1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200)
    dict(key="ordered_pair_accuracy", name="metric/ordered_pair_accuracy"),
ranker: tf.keras.models.Model = tfr.keras.model.create_keras_model(
    metrics=[tfr.keras.metrics.get(**x) for x in metrics],

Finally I fit with the following function:

      steps_per_epoch=max(1, train_samples // batch_size),

From this code I've noticed the continual increase in memory on CPU and GPU until an eventual out of memory occurs as training progresses.

Any thoughts or ideas towards solutions would be greatly appreciated.

cjmcgraw avatar May 26 '21 14:05 cjmcgraw

Need some more context. First of all, are you allowing memory growth... this could fix your OOM errors. https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/config/experimental/set_memory_growth

HoltSpalding avatar May 27 '21 14:05 HoltSpalding

I previously had the following env settings in my dockerfile:

FROM gcr.io/deeplearning-platform-release/tf2-gpu.2-4
RUN mkdir /project

WORKDIR /project
ADD requirements.txt /project/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD run_trainer.py /project/run_trainer.py

ENV TF_XLA_FLAGS "--tf_xla_auto_jit=2 --tf_xla_cpu_global_jit --tf_xla_enable_xla_devices"
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/project/run_trainer.py"]

I have tried without setting envvars. While with also settings TF_FORCE_ALLOW_GPU_GROWTH to both true/1 as well as implementing it directly in the code. I have confirmed that turning on/off the JIT, memory growth, and or autotune (0, 1, and 2) doesn't seem to have any effect on the model OOMing.

I have also tried every suggestion from the following posts:

https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/32052 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/2942

I have also just run an iterator over the load_dataset function and not seen any memory growth looping 20-30 times over it. It seems to be related to the fit function when its running

cjmcgraw avatar May 27 '21 16:05 cjmcgraw

As a side note. Changing to TCMalloc does substantially slow down the memory leak. But it is still is positive in its slope.

cjmcgraw avatar May 27 '21 16:05 cjmcgraw

I am having simllar issue and are running out of RAM. It seems to be the evaluation loop that's causing most of not all of the leakage. I'm able to train the model if I don't run the evaluator simultaneously, but that's not a solution I can settle with.

Could you try training without evaluation to see that this is in fact the problem?

eirikaso avatar May 28 '21 07:05 eirikaso

Let me run one without a validation_data set and get the results back. It takes me a while to run out of memory. I will report back

cjmcgraw avatar May 28 '21 20:05 cjmcgraw

@cjmcgraw Any results? I'm running into a similar issue with an efficientnet based VAE trained with a tf.data.Dataset. RAM usage slowly creeps up, and after 8 epochs the ms/step start going up from around 100 to 200, and then keeps increasing with each epoch.

Trezorro avatar Jun 01 '21 08:06 Trezorro

@cjmcgraw, not sure whether this is a tensorflow problem or tensorflow_ranking problem. Just a side note that the tf-ranking 0.4.0 is released and it provides a training pipeline that can easily support your use case. See the example.

Maybe you can try that to see whether OOM can be solved?

xuanhuiwang avatar Jun 01 '21 22:06 xuanhuiwang

Following up after many tests. I tried @eirikaso's suggestion of running without validation. That didn't provide any changes at all. I also experimented with V100s vs A100s and saw the same outcome.

Removing the validation didn't help @Trezorro

cjmcgraw avatar Jun 06 '21 12:06 cjmcgraw

@xuanhuiwang I have since upgraded to 0.4.0 and tensorflow==2.5.0

I am pleased to report that the GPU memory is now steady on both A100s and V100s.

However I am seeing the CPU memory jump up in spikes on V100s only (for some reason?). It jumps then plateaus, then jumps, and plateaus. Very unusual.

However I have not seen a run hit OOM yet.

So I can confirm the tensorflow-ranking==0.4.0 release seems to have resolved some issues, with more testing needed.

cjmcgraw avatar Jun 06 '21 12:06 cjmcgraw

seeing the CPU memory jump up in spikes on V100s only (for some reason?). It jumps then plateaus, then jumps, and plateaus. Very unusual.


blackyang avatar Jul 03 '22 06:07 blackyang

@xuanhuiwang I have since upgraded to 0.4.0 and tensorflow==2.5.0

I am pleased to report that the GPU memory is now steady on both A100s and V100s.

However I am seeing the CPU memory jump up in spikes on V100s only (for some reason?). It jumps then plateaus, then jumps, and plateaus. Very unusual.

However I have not seen a run hit OOM yet.

So I can confirm the tensorflow-ranking==0.4.0 release seems to have resolved some issues, with more testing needed.

This works for me. I have problem with model.fit() in loop on colab.

kkzbb avatar Feb 18 '23 15:02 kkzbb