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PLEASE REBUILD YOUR TENSORFLOW of version `2.11.0` with `ABI=1` and `-std=c++17` to avoid any shared library loading error.
No more compatibility with TF v2.7.0 after TFQ >= 0.7.3.
For users of TF<=v2.7.0, please use TFQ <= 0.7.2 For new users, please use TF==2.11.0 and TFQ==0.7.3
If you are using the old tensorflow (v2.7) or buliding TF v2.11.0 with old bazel commend line with ABI=0, then you will get stuck with the similar errors as others were facing:
Related to:
- https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum/issues/762
- https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum/issues/757
So, I recommend reading and following this https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum/blob/master/docs/install.md#4-build-tensorflow-from-source installation guideline from scratch (e.g. empty python venv, newly cloned github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow, and github.com/tensorflow/quantum etc.)