profiler copied to clipboard
No `/device: TPU:x` When Runing TensorBoard
Environment information (required)
diagnose_tensorboard.txt Chrome Version: 98.0.4758.102
Issue description
TensorBoard does not seem to show any TPU device, unlike it does with a GPU. Is this not supported? I ran this on my own code as well as a public notebook with JAX (just adding in the JAX code to trace). The issue is also present when I use TensorFlow.
- Screenshot of issue:
Minimal Code Example
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import grad, jit, vmap
from jax import random
key = random.PRNGKey(0)
x = random.normal(key, (10,))
size = 3000
x = random.normal(key, (size, size), dtype=jnp.float32)
%timeit, x.T).block_until_ready() # runs on the GPU, but I also think would use TPU as it's a matrix multiply
!pip3 install tensorflow tbp-nightly
# # Load the TensorBoard notebook extension.
%load_ext tensorboard
# Launch TensorBoard and navigate to the Profile tab to view performance profile
%tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/tensorboard
A couple of things to check:
It looks like a number of threads were captured, but only a few are shown in this screenshot. If you scroll down in the Trace View, are all threads running on CPU and none on TPU?
Are you certain that the code is indeed running on TPU? Could you add the logs?