nmt copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'LSTMStateTuple' object has no attribute 'get_shape'
I met this error when building the graph, and this is my code below for the encoding layer copied from stackoverflow, but it does not work for me...
def encoding_layer(rnn_inputs, rnn_size, num_layers, keep_prob,
source_sequence_length, source_vocab_size,
Create encoding layer
:param rnn_inputs: Inputs for the RNN
:param rnn_size: RNN Size
:param num_layers: Number of layers
:param keep_prob: Dropout keep probability
:param source_sequence_length: a list of the lengths of each sequence in the batch
:param source_vocab_size: vocabulary size of source data
:param encoding_embedding_size: embedding size of source data
:return: tuple (RNN output, RNN state)
embed = tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence(rnn_inputs, source_vocab_size, encoding_embedding_size)
Cell_f = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(rnn_size), keep_prob) for _ in range(num_layers)])
Cell_b = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(rnn_size), keep_prob) for _ in range(num_layers)])
((encoder_fw_output, encoder_bw_output), (encoder_fw_state, encoder_bw_state)) = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw=Cell_f, cell_bw=Cell_b, inputs=embed, dtype=tf.float32, time_major=True)
encoder_outputs = tf.concat((encoder_fw_output, encoder_bw_output), 2)
encoder_states = []
for i in range(num_layers):
if isinstance(encoder_fw_state[i],tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple):
encoder_state_c = tf.concat(values=(encoder_fw_state[i].c,encoder_bw_state[i].c),axis=1,name="encoder_fw_state_c")
encoder_state_h = tf.concat(values=(encoder_fw_state[i].h,encoder_bw_state[i].h),axis=1,name="encoder_fw_state_h")
encoder_state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c=encoder_state_c, h=encoder_state_h)
elif isinstance(encoder_fw_state[i], tf.Tensor):
encoder_state = tf.concat(values=(encoder_fw_state[i], encoder_bw_state[i]), axis=1, name='bidirectional_concat')
encoder_states = tuple(encoder_states)
return encoder_outputs, encoder_states
@JustinLin610 Hello, did you solve this issue? I'm having the same problem.
@nave01314 Make sure you decoder_cell's number of layer same as the number of states you passing into it. It seems your example has two encoder layers (1 forward and 1 backward); however, your decoder only has 1 layer.
@oahziur I notice that the encoder_state is directly copy to decoder_initial_state. Does it make sense that the state from bi-directional lstm, which makes it two, can be applied to two layers of uni-directional lstm as initial state?
@liuyujia1991 It should be possible, although I haven't tested it myself.