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How to distinguish training vs validation loss from tensorboard
When use the" tensorflow object detection api "to training a detection model, and use the recommended directory structure to run tensorboard,command line is tensorboard --logdir=${MODEL_DIR}.
it's output is this image:it have many loss function. Are these loss from training or validation process? If these are from training process only, how to check validation loss using tensorboard?
If you're using the latest TensorFlow Object Detection API (using and not, then the Validation Loss can be found under 'loss' and the Training Loss is under 'loss_1' or 'loss_2'.
Do we have to pass a special validation flag or a file for it to separate out the cross validation data? In our case, even though the validation loss is low, we don't see good generalization.
@divyanshusharma1709 In my case only the loss tag is present, no Loss1 or Loss2, Is i am missing something?
please help
I'm not seeing loss_1 and loss_2. I'm only getting a tab called loss.
what am i missing? is there any parameter required to pass in order to get both train and validation loss in tensorboard?
I'm having the same issue (using that i have multiple losses (i.e. classification loss, localization loss, total loss etc.) but no two curves as @divyanshusharma1709.