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For ASR, if I set num_cnn_layers = 0, Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096]
My setting is: ep = p.encoder ep.input_shape = [None, None, 96, 1] ep.lstm_cell_size = 1024 ep.num_lstm_layers = 4 ep.conv_filter_shapes = [] ep.conv_filter_strides = [] ep.num_conv_lstm_layers = 0 ep.num_cnn_layers = 0
The error message I got is:
2021-04-20 01:28:21.220217: I lingvo/core/ops/] Emitted 649 records from /tmp/lingvo/lingvo/speech_data/train/train.tfrecords-00044-of-00100 2021-04-20 01:28:21.221373: I lingvo/core/ops/] 0x7f8e689de720Basic record yielder exit I0420 01:28:21.910491 140268959409920] Job trainer: Retrying as expected trainer exception: From /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0: 6 root error(s) found. (0) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[gradients/fprop/librispeech/tower_0_3/enc/proj_L2/MatMul_grad/MatMul_1_G1560]] (1) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[gradients/fprop/librispeech/tower_0_5/enc/brnn_L2/IdentityN_1_grad/While_G1600]] (2) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[gradients/fprop/librispeech/tower_0_3/dec/BiasAdd_grad/BiasAddGrad_G1228]] (3) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096] [[{{node MatMul}}]]
Any one can help?
@jonathanasdf would you help with this issue? For ASR, if I set num_cnn_layers = 0, Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,1056], In[1]: [1120,4096]
Hi, we are looking into it. Please give us some time.
Hi, we added a unit test in and were unable to reproduce this.
Do you also get the same error with num_cnn_layers > 0? Please double check your input shapes.
Ah, it should be ep.input_shape = [None, None, 32, 3]. I had thought that [None, None, 32, 3] can be change to [None, None, 96, 1] automatically. thanks
Hey @jonathanasdf , if I wish to use MFCC feature instead fbank feature, I need to insert a few projection layers in front of the BLSTM layers in stead of CNN layers. I modify the as following:
conv_output_shape = p.input_shape
params_proj_layers = []
proj_p = p.proj_tpl.Copy() proj_p.input_dim = conv_output_shape[2] proj_p.output_dim = 1024 = 'proj_L_pre_input' params_proj_layers.append(proj_p)
Seems not work: (0) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,608], In[1]: [1536,2048] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[fprop/librispeech/tower_0_5/enc/brnn_L0/StatefulPartitionedCall/While]] (1) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,608], In[1]: [1536,2048] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[fprop/librispeech/tower_0_3/enc/brnn_L0/StatefulPartitionedCall/While]] (2) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,608], In[1]: [1536,2048] [[{{node MatMul}}]] [[gradients/fprop/librispeech/tower_0_5/dec/IdentityN_grad/While_G712]] (3) Invalid argument: Matrix size-incompatible: In[0]: [96,608], In[1]: [1536,2048] [[{{node MatMul}}]]
Any suggestions for this configuration? Thanks
Hi, we cannot offer detailed debugging help to all users. Please try to debug it as much as you can yourself.
If you check FProp(), self.proj[i].FProp()
happens after the rnn layers, while you are trying to project the input before rnn. So you cannot add to params_proj_layers, you have to do a separate CreateChild('input_proj', input_proj_params)
and modify FProp() accordingly.