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Hi, thank you very much for your great work. I am trying to run with deepfusion model, but it outputs an error `tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/waymo_open_dataset/metrics/ops/ undefined symbol: _ZNK10tensorflow8OpKernel11TraceStringERKNS_15OpKernelContextEb`. I use...
Hi, thanks for your great work. I want to reproduce the results in your deepfusion paper, I look through the codebase, it seems that there are some model structure files,...
Dear Team, I am really impressed by the results that you have achieved for the Waymo dataset. I am trying to reproduce the results but I do not know where...
In the DeepFusion paper it was said that > For each query (i.e., voxel cell), we conduct inner product between the query and the keys to obtain the attention affinity...
I'm trying to create a PKGBUILD for ArchLinux. Now a weird error: `ERROR: Skipping '../lingvo/core/': The package part of '../lingvo/core/' should not end in a slash`
I am new to lingvo and I would like to know where to find the code for Cross Attention in `DeepFusion: Lidar-Camera Deep Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection`?
Hi, we are trying to reproduce the result, but quite a lot details are missing of the DeepFusion netwrok. Can you describe some details of the network? Like in which...
when will the deepfusion code be released?
Hello, I am trying to run distributed shampoo implemented in lingvo. I have the compatible tensorflow version with lignvo. ``` Python 3.8.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Oct 12...