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Models in Java
TensorFlow Java Examples
This repository contains examples for TensorFlow-Java.
Example Models
There are five example models: a LeNet CNN, a VGG CNN, inference using Faster-RCNN, a linear regression and a logistic regression.
The Faster-RCNN inference example is in org.tensorflow.model.examples.cnn.fastrcnn
Download the model from
Unzip then untar the model to a local folder - I've used models/faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_1024x1024.
Create a testimages folder then add some test images into a testimages folder
To run the example add the input image and output image as parameters:
java -cp target/tensorflow-examples-1.0.0-tfj-1.0.0-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar org.tensorflow.model.examples.cnn.fastrcnn.FasterRcnnInception testimages/image2.jpg image2rcnn.jpg
The LeNet example runs on MNIST which is stored in the project's resource directory. It is found in
, and can be run with:
java -cp target/tensorflow-examples-1.0.0-tfj-1.0.0-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar org.tensorflow.model.examples.cnn.lenet.CnnMnist
The VGG11 example runs on FashionMNIST, stored in the project's resource directory. It is found in
, and can be run with:
java -cp target/tensorflow-examples-1.0.0-tfj-1.0.0-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar org.tensorflow.model.examples.cnn.vgg.VGG11OnFashionMnist
Linear Regression
The linear regression example runs on hard coded data. It is found in org.tensorflow.model.examples.regression.linear
and can be run with:
java -cp target/tensorflow-examples-1.0.0-tfj-1.0.0-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar org.tensorflow.model.examples.regression.linear.LinearRegressionExample
Logistic Regression
The logistic regression example runs on MNIST, stored in the project's resource directory. It is found in
, and can be run with:
java -cp target/tensorflow-examples-1.0.0-tfj-1.0.0-rc.2-with-dependencies.jar org.tensorflow.model.examples.dense.SimpleMnist
Contributions of other example models are welcome, for instructions please see the Contributor guidelines in TensorFlow-Java.
This repository tracks TensorFlow-Java and the head will be updated with new releases of TensorFlow-Java.