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Allow one to forward features to predictions
We would like to forward a particular 'key' column which is part of the features to appear alongside the predictions - this is to be able to identify to which set of features a particular prediction belongs to. Here is an example of predictions output using the tensorflow.contrib.estimator.multi_class_head:
{"classes": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
"scores": [0.06819603592157364, 0.0864366963505745, 0.12838752567768097, 0.046013250946998596, 0.03129083290696144, 0.1518409103155136, 0.1248951405286789, 0.15043732523918152, 0.0821763351559639, 0.13032598793506622]}
We would therefore like to add a key attribute to this prediction.
estimator = tf.contrib.estimator.forward_features(estimator, ['key'])
gives the following error:
The adanet.Estimator's model_fn should not be called directly in TRAIN mode, because its behavior is undefined outside the context of its train method.
The current workaround is to subclass the head
@jankrynauw Thank you for the feature request. This looks like it could be implemented in a way similar to adanet.Estimator(metric_fn=...)
which we added in
Unfortunately, we don't have much time to add this ourselves, but if anyone has cycles to a PR, they are very welcome.
@jankrynauw Can you send me the code you were working on so that I can test it and work on it.
See the predict
section of the _create_tpu_estimator_spec
method, as well as the predict_feature_keys=None
parameter in the __init__
# Implement a custom Head to control the prediction output. Most of this code is directly from
# `_MultiClassHeadWithSoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss` in `tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.canned.head`
class MultiClassHead(_MultiClassHeadWithSoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss):
def __init__(self,
"""Creates a '_Head' for multi class classification.
The head expects `logits` with shape `[D0, D1, ... DN, n_classes]`. In many applications, the shape is
`[batch_size, n_classes]`.
`labels` must be a dense `Tensor` with shape matching `logits`, namely
`[D0, D1, ... DN, 1]`. If `label_vocabulary` given, `labels` must be a string `Tensor` with values from the
vocabulary. If `label_vocabulary` is not given, `labels` must be an integer `Tensor` with values specifying the
class index.
If `weight_column` is specified, weights must be of shape `[D0, D1, ... DN]`, or `[D0, D1, ... DN, 1]`.
The loss is the weighted sum over the input dimensions. Namely, if the input labels have shape
`[batch_size, 1]`, the loss is the weighted sum over `batch_size`.
Also supports custom `loss_fn`. `loss_fn` takes `(labels, logits)` or `(labels, logits, features)` as arguments
and returns unreduced loss with shape `[D0, D1, ... DN, 1]`. `loss_fn` must support integer `labels` with shape
`[D0, D1, ... DN, 1]`. Namely, the head applies `label_vocabulary` to the input labels before passing them to
n_classes: Number of classes, must be greater than 2 (for 2 classes,
use `_BinaryLogisticHeadWithSigmoidCrossEntropyLoss`).
predict_feature_keys: A `string` or a `list` of `string`. If it is `None`, all of the `features` in `dict`
is forwarded to the `predictions`. If it is a `string`, only given key is forwarded. If it is a `list`
of strings, all the given `keys` are forwarded.
weight_column: A string or a `_NumericColumn` created by `tf.feature_column.numeric_column` defining feature
column representing weights. It is used to down weight or boost examples during training. It will be
multiplied by the loss of the example.
label_vocabulary: A list or tuple of strings representing possible label values. If it is not given, that
means labels are already encoded as an integer within [0, n_classes). If given, labels must be of string
type and have any value in `label_vocabulary`. Note that errors will be raised if `label_vocabulary` is
not provided but labels are strings.
loss_reduction: One of `tf.losses.Reduction` except `NONE`. Describes how to reduce training loss over
batch. Defaults to `SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE`.
loss_fn: Optional loss function.
name: name of the head. If provided, summary and metrics keys will be suffixed by `"/" + name`. Also used as
`name_scope` when creating ops.
An instance of `_Head` for multi class classification.
self._predict_feature_keys = predict_feature_keys # Customisation done by alis.
super(MultiClassHead, self).__init__(n_classes=n_classes,
def _create_tpu_estimator_spec(self,
"""Returns a `model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec`.
features: Input `dict` of `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` objects.
mode: Estimator's `ModeKeys`.
logits: logits `Tensor` with shape `[D0, D1, ... DN, logits_dimension]`. For many applications, the shape is
`[batch_size, logits_dimension]`.
labels: Labels integer or string `Tensor` with shape matching `logits`, namely `[D0, D1, ... DN, 1]` or
`[D0, D1, ... DN]`. `labels` is required argument when `mode` equals `TRAIN` or `EVAL`.
optimizer: `Optimizer` instance to optimize the loss in TRAIN mode. Namely, sets `train_op =
optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step)`, which updates variables and increments `global_step`.
train_op_fn: Function that takes a scalar loss `Tensor` and returns `train_op`. Used if `optimizer` is `None`.
regularization_losses: A list of additional scalar losses to be added to the training loss, such as
regularization losses. These losses are usually expressed as a batch average, so for best results users
need to set `loss_reduction=SUM_OVER_BATCH_SIZE` or `loss_reduction=SUM_OVER_NONZERO_WEIGHTS` when
creating the head to avoid scaling errors.
A `model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec` instance.
with ops.name_scope(self._name, 'head'):
logits = _check_logits_final_dim(logits, self.logits_dimension)
with ops.name_scope(None, 'predictions', (logits,)):
# Get the predicted class IDs and names
class_ids = math_ops.argmax(logits, axis=-1, name=PredictionKeys.CLASS_IDS)
class_ids = array_ops.expand_dims(class_ids, axis=-1)
if self._label_vocabulary:
table = lookup_ops.index_to_string_table_from_tensor(vocabulary_list=self._label_vocabulary,
classes = table.lookup(class_ids)
classes = string_ops.as_string(class_ids, name='str_classes')
# Compute the predicted probabilities
probabilities = nn.softmax(logits, name=PredictionKeys.PROBABILITIES)
# Compute the predicted score we use for ranking
predicted_class = math_ops.argmax(logits, axis=-1) + 1
predicted_class_probability = math_ops.reduce_max(probabilities, axis=-1)
predicted = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(predicted_class, tf.float32) - predicted_class_probability, axis=-1)
predictions = {
PredictionKeys.CLASS_IDS: class_ids,
PredictionKeys.CLASSES: classes,
PredictionKeys.LOGITS: logits,
PredictionKeys.PREDICTED: predicted,
PredictionKeys.PROBABILITIES: probabilities,
# Predict
if mode == model_fn.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
# CUSTOMISATION DONE HERE. Attach the feature keys to the predictions
for key in self._predict_feature_keys:
predictions[key] = features[key]
classifier_output = _classification_output(scores=probabilities,
return model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.PREDICT,
_DEFAULT_SERVING_KEY: export_output.PredictOutput(predictions),
_CLASSIFY_SERVING_KEY: classifier_output,
_PREDICT_SERVING_KEY: export_output.PredictOutput(predictions)
# Compute loss
training_loss, unreduced_loss, weights, label_ids = self.create_loss(features=features,
if regularization_losses:
regularization_loss = math_ops.add_n(regularization_losses)
regularized_training_loss = math_ops.add_n([training_loss, regularization_loss])
regularization_loss = None
regularized_training_loss = training_loss
# Eval
if mode == model_fn.ModeKeys.EVAL:
return model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.EVAL,
eval_metrics=_create_eval_metrics_tuple(self._eval_metric_ops, {
'labels': label_ids,
'class_ids': class_ids,
'weights': weights,
'unreduced_loss': unreduced_loss,
'regularization_loss': regularization_loss
# Train
if optimizer is not None:
if train_op_fn is not None:
raise ValueError('train_op_fn and optimizer cannot both be set.')
train_op = optimizer.minimize(regularized_training_loss, global_step=training_util.get_global_step())
elif train_op_fn is not None:
train_op = train_op_fn(regularized_training_loss)
raise ValueError('train_op_fn and optimizer cannot both be None.')
train_op = _append_update_ops(train_op)
# Only summarize mean_loss for SUM reduction to preserve backwards compatibility. Otherwise skip it to
# avoid unnecessary computation.
if self._loss_reduction == losses.Reduction.SUM:
example_weight_sum = math_ops.reduce_sum(weights * array_ops.ones_like(unreduced_loss))
mean_loss = training_loss / example_weight_sum
mean_loss = None
with ops.name_scope(''):
keys = metric_keys.MetricKeys
summary.scalar(_summary_key(self._name, keys.LOSS), regularized_training_loss)
if mean_loss is not None:
summary.scalar(_summary_key(self._name, keys.LOSS_MEAN), mean_loss)
if regularization_loss is not None:
summary.scalar(_summary_key(self._name, keys.LOSS_REGULARIZATION), regularization_loss)
return model_fn._TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.TRAIN,