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Failure due to CUDA errors when generating code for CPU?
I am running into a slightly strange issue when trying to generate and run the kernel for tensor times vector.
Here is the code I am using
#include "taco.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <unistd.h>
#define floattype double
using namespace taco;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::default_random_engine gen(0);
std::uniform_real_distribution<floattype> unif(0.0, 1.0);
// 3D Tensor file path
std::string tnsFile = "~/Documents/taco/test/data/3tensor.tns";
// Used formats
Format csr({Dense, Sparse});
Format csf({Sparse, Sparse, Sparse});
Format dv({Dense});
// Load the sparse tensor
Tensor<floattype> B = read(tnsFile, csf);
// Prepare the tensor for the result
Tensor<floattype> A({B.getDimension(0), B.getDimension(1)}, Dense);
// populate a random dense vector
Tensor<floattype> c({B.getDimension(2)}, dv);
for (int i = 0; i < c.getDimension(0); ++i) {
c.insert({i}, unif(gen));
IndexVar i, j, k, l;
// The main expression
A(i, j) = B(i, j, k) * c(k);
// GO!
The compilation command is as follows:
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 -DNDEBUG -DTACO -I ~/Documents/taco/include taco_3d.cpp -o taco_3d.x -ltaco
I get no compilation errors, but when I run the executable the error I get is:
$ ./taco_3d.x
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(131): error: expected a ")"
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(141): error: expected a ")"
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(144): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(144): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(145): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(145): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(146): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(146): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(147): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(147): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(148): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(148): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(149): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(149): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(150): error: expected an identifier
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(150): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(151): error: identifier "A93" is undefined
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(157): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(157): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(158): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(159): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(159): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(160): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(163): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(163): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(164): error: user-defined literal operator not found
/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu(165): error: user-defined literal operator not found
27 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu". terminate called after throwing an instance of 'taco::TacoException'
what(): Error at /home/hpclab/Documents/taco/src/codegen/module.cpp:156 in compile: Compilation command failed:
nvcc -w -O3 -Xcompiler "-fPIC -shared -ffast-math -O3" --generate-code arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 /tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.cu /tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4_shims.cpp -o /tmp/taco_tmp_txUdPh/5x1096hkmtw4.so -lm
returned 256
Aborted (core dumped)
Any pointers on how to fix this? Thank you!