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quickmock is an simple service for automatically injecting mocks into your AngularJS unit tests using Jasmine or Mocha
If you've defined a constant as I have below, QuickMock will get tripped up thinking it's an array of dependencies. Constants and values cannot have dependencies passed to them in...
Hello, I want to report an issue related to define services using #ES6 clasess. Sometimes when the service have injections defined by the user, the real service is provided instead...
Will there be any support for components or should I drop this awesome library? :(
Hello, i have a problem using this library, i tell you why... i'm using directives with a nested controller, something like this: ``` export class AnnouncementsDirective { constructor() { let...
You can annotate dependencies in angular with the $inject property: ``` angular .module('foo') .factory('FooFactory', FooFactory); FooFactory.$inject = ['dep1', 'dep2', 'dep3']; function FooFactory(dep1, dep2, dep3) { //code } ``` This isn't...
Hi I'm currently starting to use your plugins as it will be great shortcut on my testing scripts. I encountered some issues and I think it would be good to...
`.$scope` needs to be added to the directive object when `quickmock()` is initially called, rather than during the `.$compile()` phase, so that the scope properties can be modified before the...
@tennisgent Creating the issue you requested here. Relevant PR: https://github.com/tennisgent/quickmock/pull/6
There is no way to mock a directive that is required by another directive. Need to provide a syntax for mocking directives to test other directives that use them in...