CompleteParameter.vim copied to clipboard
Solution about auto-pair has some side-effects
Issue Prelude
- Category
- [x] Question
- [ ] Bug
- [ ] Suggestion
- OS
- [x] Linux
- [ ] macOS
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] Etc.
- Vim
- [x] Vim
- [ ] Neovim
- Language
- [ ] C
- [ ] C++
- [ ] go
- [x] python
- [ ] rust
- [ ] javascript
- [ ] typescript
- [ ] erlang
Completion Engine and Commit SHA
YouCompleteMe: master
Minimal Configuration
configs in FAQs about auto-pairs
Issue Details
after I input (
without anything in front, and then input )
, there would be a redundant )
like below
Please show me the result of :imap )
Can you make a gif? I can't reproduce the bug.
@tenfyzhong I only pressed (
and then )
. Maybe it's related to my other plugins?
my plugins list:
- vim-polyglot: OK
- indentLine: OK
- vim-hugefile: OK
- conflict-marker.vim: OK
- fzf: OK
- vim-snippets: OK
- webapi-vim: OK
- vim-textobj-uri: OK
- vim-textobj-chunk: OK
- MatchTagAlways: OK
- vim-textobj-quotes: OK
- vim-coffee-script: OK
- vim-textobj-xmlattr: OK
- vim-autoformat: OK
- vim-closetag: OK
- vim-preview: OK
- tagbar: OK
- ctrlsf.vim: OK
- vim-markdown: OK
- vim-textobj-brace: OK
- vim-litecorrect: OK
- YouCompleteMe: OK
- vim-textobj-indent: OK
- python-syntax: OK
- vim-repeat: OK
- vim-commentary: OK
- csscomplete.vim: OK
- wildfire.vim: OK
- restore_view.vim: OK
- tsuquyomi: OK
- vim-airline-themes: OK
- vim-colorschemes: OK
- vim-colors: OK
- vim-nerdtree-tabs: OK
- fonts: OK
- vim-js-indent: OK
- CompleteParameter.vim: OK
- onedark.vim: OK
- vim-airline: OK
- gist-vim: OK
- vim-js-pretty-template: OK
- editorconfig-vim: OK
- vim-signify: OK
- vim-textobj-user: OK
- vim-json: OK
- fcitx.vim: OK
- vim-less: OK
- nerdtree: OK
- rust.vim: OK
- ultisnips: OK
- vim-wordy: OK
- vim-fugitive: OK
- vim-misc: OK
- vim-jsx-typescript: OK
- tabular: OK
- salt-vim: OK
- nerdcommenter: OK
- ale: OK
- html5.vim: OK
- fzf.vim: OK
- tmuxline.vim: OK
- vim-tags: OK
- vim-haml: OK
- vim-cucumber-align-pipes: OK
- vim-css-color: OK
- vim-over: OK
- vim-abolish: OK
- emmet-vim: OK
- vim-surround: OK
- typescript-vim: OK
- vim-multiple-cursors: OK
- auto-pairs: OK
- vim-javascript: OK
- vim-vue: OK
- vim-bbye: OK
- vim-css3-syntax: OK
- vim-es6: OK
- vim-session: OK
I think you should disable other plugins and try it again.
@tenfyzhong sorry for delay, it's a little busy some time ago.
I've tried to disable all other plugins except auto-pair
and CompleteParameter
, and all other vim configs. But the problem still exists.
Can you give my you vimrc?
@tenfyzhong I tried disable all other plugins except CompleteParameter and these configs:
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim'
call plug#end()
inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")
smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
And the problem still exists! So I think maybe it's related to my terminal or input method? Because when I input (
there outputs a )
automatically! And then I input )
there exist two )
for sure. Although with autopair
my input )
will be combined with the automatic output )
and only one )
Can you give me you vimrc?
@tenfyzhong I deleted all other configs except the above ones, so that's my .vimrc
Update: It's not my input method or terminal issue. The automatically output )
is related to line:
inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")
when I input (
, it will output ()
CompleteParameter can't complete brackets. You should install auto-pairs and add this configuration.
let g:AutoPairs = {'[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'}
inoremap <buffer><silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR>
@tenfyzhong Sorry, I deleted too much. When I added these (At the very beginning I already added), the problem still exists. My .vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim'
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
call plug#end()
let g:AutoPairs = {'[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'}
inoremap <buffer><silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR>
inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")
smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
I think it's related to AutoPairsInsert(')')
problem because you removed ()
from AutoPairs
so it can't combine your )
and existed )
. Could in some ways I disabled ()
before AutoPairsInsert
and enabled it during AutoPairsInsert
Try to remove <buffer>
in the inoremap <buffer><silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR>
like this
inoremap <silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR>
@tenfyzhong no change
@dc3671 Please give me the version of you ycm and auto-pairs
@tenfyzhong YCM: 9dee2b4e3f5de5f8b9fdc4790eac35eb2c40257a auto-pairs: 39f06b873a8449af8ff6a3eee716d3da14d63a76