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EvHub supports the distribution of delayed, transaction, real-time and cyclic events. It is used in scenarios such as system decoupling, asynchronous calling and distributed transactions.


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img.png EvHub is an event-driven runtime that provides unified event model, retrieves asynchronous events, and distributes events to application scenarios to decouple upstream and downstream systems. Support real-time, delay, loop and transaction event scenarios, to achieve high real-time, high reliable general event components. It makes it easy for developers to build event-driven architecture stateless microservices.


  • Multi-protocol: Supports multiple protocols, such as HTTP and gRPC
  • Support for transactional messages
  • Supports delay events, including normal delay events and delay processing events
  • Recurring events are supported, including regular recurring events and crontab events
  • Supports multiple event stores: Kafka, Pulsar, Mysql, Redis, etc
  • Support for multiple microservice architectures
  • Supports high availability and easy horizontal expansion

Application scenarios.

EvHub can be applied to data consistency problems in a large number of scenarios,here are a few common ones

  • Peak cut
  • Broadcast
  • Cache management
  • System decoupling, event driven: Greatly simplifying the architectural complexity
  • Distributed transaction

run EvHub

make start

stop EvHub

make stop


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
            "retry_interval": 5000,


package main

import (


	eh_pc "github.com/tencentmusic/evhub/pkg/gen/proto/processor"
	eh_pd "github.com/tencentmusic/evhub/pkg/gen/proto/producer"
	ggrpc "google.golang.org/grpc"

func main() {
	serverAddr := ":6001"
	addr := ""
	timeout := time.Second * 5
	conn, err := grpc.Dial(&grpc.ClientConfig{Addr: addr, Timeout: timeout})
	if err != nil {
		log.Panicf("dial err:%v", err)
	defer conn.Close()
	// grpc client
	rsp, err := eh_pd.NewevhubProducerClient(conn).Report(context.Background(), &eh_pd.ReportReq{
		Event: &comm.Event{
			AppId:   "eh",
			TopicId: "test",
		Trigger: &comm.EventTrigger{
			TriggerType: comm.EventTriggerType_EVENT_TRIGGER_TYPE_REAL_TIME,
	if err != nil {
		log.Panicf("report err:%v", err)
	if rsp.Ret != nil && rsp.Ret.Code != 0 {
		log.Panicf("report failed rsp:%+v", rsp)
	log.Infof("report success rsp:%+v", rsp)
	StartGrpcServer(serverAddr, &Svc{})

type Svc struct{}

func (s *Svc) Dispatch(ctx context.Context, req *eh_pc.DispatchReq) (*eh_pc.DispatchRsp, error) {
	log.Infof("ctx:%v req:%+v", ctx, req)
	return &eh_pc.DispatchRsp{}, nil

func StartGrpcServer(serverAddr string, s *Svc) {
	opts := []ggrpc.ServerOption{
	server := grpc.NewServer(&grpc.ServerConfig{
		Addr: serverAddr,
	}, opts...)

	eh_pc.RegisterevhubProcessorServer(server.Server(), s)
	if err := server.Serve(); err != nil {
		log.Panicf("grpc failed to serve: %v", err)

More examples

If you want more quick start examples, please refer to quick-start-sample

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