terraform-provider-tencentcloud copied to clipboard
tencentcloud_cdn_domain add support for (Cross-border) Origin Pull Optimization
When using a backend outside of China it seems to be essential for performance to make use of the (Cross-border) Origin Pull Optimization (for mainland
area distribution). If switched on, the configuration (according to the API Explorer) features these settings:
"OriginPullOptimization": {
"Switch": "on",
"OptimizationType": "CNToOV"
Apparently, the default value of this setting differs between accounts. To ensure the state of this setting, would it be possible to support it in the Terraform provider?
Hi, @jossy this feature is a grayscale function of CDN product, we consider supporting it after CDN releases this feature in full. I will reply under this question as soon as there is an update of CDN product
@gailwang Thanks for your response, I was not aware of the grayscale status. Do you (roughly) know when this functionality will be generally available?
Hi @jossy The CDN product has no plan for full support in the short term.
This is now supported via the origin_pull_optimization argument.