what-input copied to clipboard
A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse/pointer, keyboard or touch).
Because `const formInputs = ['button', 'input', 'select', 'textarea']` includes an `input` tag, "whatintent" value persists "mouse" after pressed a key on a checkbox or a radio. Possible solution: ` const...
Hi, @ten1seven I would like to extend the Form field behavior — of a frozen what-intent while focused — to other elements. At first, I created a hook, as you...
The `:focus-visible` selector matches almost every time the `[data-whatinput=keyboard]` is active, but even when the user clicks on an `input` element with the mouse. Is there any way to mimic...
Is it possible to add support for usage with shadow DOM / webcomponents?
Hello, how can I force some input type in tests? I need to test my DropdownMenu which is behaving differently on touch (opens on click) and on mouse (opens on...
This is really the same issue as #68 but decided to file a new one instead of pinging people on years-old issues :) ### Use case We have an implementation...
Great library, thanks for building it! I have used `what-input` to remove the styles from buttons when they have focus and the user is using a mouse. But I have...
Hi! (skip for TL;DR) I am working on open source project called Keyboard UI [(Link: Keyboard_UI/develop)](https://github.com/KeyboardUI/Keyboard_UI/tree/develop) which is customizable UI kit with transparency effect using SASS. I wanted to fully...
Sentry has been reporting an issue specific to Firefox: Permission denied to access property "type" on line 296 of dist/what-input.js - it is specific to Firefox across various platforms but...
A somewhat minor issue, but on Firefox for Android `[data-whatintent="mouse"]` is set for a very short time when long-tapping anything (like, for text selection or to fire the browser's contextual...