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long loading and problems with saving in templates
Backend Astroid animation is terribly slow. It needs to be removed altogether. Plus, there are constant problems with saving templates ONE and ZERO in styles. Even without changing anything, the Save button is on. When saving, problems periodically arise, either nothing is recorded, or it is recorded with errors, the external interface starts to float, content, menus, etc. disappear.
Backend Astroid animation is terribly slow. It needs to be removed altogether.
Yep, kind of slow!, I agree...
• You can disable the Astroid animation in the Astroid plugin
Even if you disable it, the Backend Astroid, to my experience will still stay slow to load completely. It is far to be instantaneous.
Behaviour: When the animation is disable and enter the layout you will see the save button flash (for almost 30 seconds) & stop.
I believe that the administration is not ready to be use until it finish flashing. Maybe this the cause of your errors (I never experience these type of errors in using Astroid for 3 years...) I think that clicking away, as I was doing before when entering the layouts admin, I was trying to click the Save button as it supposed to tell you that something need to be save but, in fact, when you enter it tell you the administration ready state...
Trying to reduce the time of loading here is surely something that should be look at, 30 sec is really to long. The flashing button on arrival can be disconcerting. Personally as a UI designer I will cover the flashing button with a dim un-flashing/inert button. Like that no possibility to save before the admin is fully load. It will stop people to click everywhere, not knowing what’s happening.
You can see the time here (it will loop at the end)
I have this green circle sometimes constantly blinking. save or don't save, wait or don't wait. The behavior is completely unpredictable.
I have this green circle sometimes constantly blinking. save or don't save, wait or don't wait. The behavior is completely unpredictable.
One thing that I remark If I go in an untouched layout (I always work on copy of the original templates to keep a clean version) (I try astroid_template_one & Default & Zero )
the first time I go in them the green dot keep flashing (saying save) forever? 1. If I save the layout as is, it stop right away 2. It start to flash again when I make the least change. 3. If I save my change it stop right away 4. If I close the layout and open it again, I got the 30 seconds flash and a stop 5. It start to flash again when I make the least change
With the problems you’re having:
When saving, problems periodically arise, either nothing is recorded, or it is recorded with errors, the external interface starts to float, content, menus, etc. disappear.
I think something is wrong/corrupt in the Astroid installation or the layout: (Can also be the environment, hard to pinpoint without testing...)
• What is your setup. Joomla version/ php / Astroid version / Template
• Did you try in another layout or even in a copy of the layout you working on? — I will try an untouched layout that come with the template ( e.g. astroid_template_one - Default )
— If possible create a copy/backup of your website Ideally working on a copy: — Try an untouched template layout or in a copy of the one you have problem with — try to create the problem to see if anything is picked-up in a browser console or on the server logs
Maybe something went wrong at the installation, something is missing? (it happen with any software) — Try reinstalling Astroid over (just Joomla install the exact same package you already have (I will re-download the installation fil, just to be sure)
Hi together, finally he is right. And if you disbale the Astroid loader it could happens, that all font settings are gone if you start to early to edit something. Anyway, the Astroid backend loading is horrible long and annyoing. Comparing to Helix, which is similar the Astroid is an old car! Maybe Sonny have an idea to make it faster!
I try Helix, good but not as flexible and easy to use. It’s simple, you cannot do whatever you want without going deep in the system. In Astroid, they seem to think at that and deliver an extremely flexible tools.
—————————————————————— @sonvnn Anyway, this Layout Manager behaviour is a MAJOR problem that need to be fix... ——————————————————————
I retest again and @SerGun78 is right... it is no constance in the behaviour and the length to get in a ready state (if it get there) is a big problem.
—————————————————————— One thing is sure: —————————————————————— The blinking “Save” button state is definitively some kind of unsaved state • If you try to use the “close” button when blinking, you get the “Do you want to leave this page” warning. Meaning that any changes will be lost (I presume)
• If you button “Save” the layout, the “Template Save” right bottom message appear and the blinking stop. (sometime the blinking state stay after saving, you have to save again?????)
• If you use the “close” button, then, no warning and the layout page close.
—————————————————————— Behavior of my untouched “astroid_template_one - Default” ——————————————————————
- When enter the first time blink forever
- When “Save” / “Close” properly and reopen
- Blinking for 20 seconds and stop — ready to work
- The behaviour seem to change from time to time - Not constant - Sometimes going back to the forever state ????
72 requests 5.45 MB / 1.38 MB transferred Finish: 27.57 s DOMContentLoaded: 1.86 s load: 1.92 s
Obvious Errors / Warnings 11:18:26.728 unreachable code after return statement Learn More on that error:
11:18:27.612 downloadable font: OS/2: Bad sTypoLineGap, setting it to 0: -32 (font-family: "Dropdown" style:normal weight:400 stretch:100 src index:0) source: data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwT1MvMggjB5AAAAC8AAAAYGNtYXAPfuIIAAABHAAAAExnYXNwAAAAEAAAAWgAAAA … AG0AbwBvAG4ARgBvAG4AdAAgAGcAZQBuAGUAcgBhAHQAZQBkACAAYgB5ACAASQBjAG8ATQBvAG8AbgAuAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
—————————————————————— Behavior of my untouched “astroid_template_zero - Default” ——————————————————————
- When enter the first time blink forever
- When “Save” / “Close” properly and reopen
- Blinking for 6 seconds, stop and Blink again forever ?????
- When “Save” blinking stop
- Close & reopen restart the same dance: blinking - stop few second and blink forever
- The behaviour seem to change from time to time - Not constant - Sometimes going back to the forever state ????
68 requests 5.60 MB / 1.51 MB transferred Finish: 5.97 s DOMContentLoaded: 1.85 s load: 1.90 s
Obvious Errors / Warnings 11:28:34.527 unreachable code after return statement
11:28:35.372 downloadable font: OS/2: Bad sTypoLineGap, setting it to 0: -32 (font-family: "Dropdown" style:normal weight:400 stretch:100 src index:0) source: data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwT1MvMggjB5AAAAC8AAAAYGNtYXAPfuIIAAABHAAAAExnYXNwAAAAEAAAAWgAAAA … AG0AbwBvAG4ARgBvAG4AdAAgAGcAZQBuAGUAcgBhAHQAZQBkACAAYgB5ACAASQBjAG8ATQBvAG8AbgAuAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
First going in I get a 403 on all the logos and favicon, not sure why ? 11:28:36.618 GET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 16ms] 11:28:36.634 GET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 15ms] 11:28:36.639 GET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 15ms] 11:28:36.643 GET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 15ms]
All of them appear as broken images For Sure, clearing the image in the layout admin fix that.
—————————————————————— Now if you look at that console log text (zip file) (from Template Zero) —————————————————————— You will see a lots of errors and warning that probably have to be check.....
@Chacapamac just a big Thank you for your extensive support!
Thanks @djayko , No problem, I try to help to the best of my ability. Sadly I’m not a great coder (php,Javascipt...) Good Day to ALL!
Hi All,
Thank you for feedback. Yes, I agreed that loading performance is a major problem. I feedback to Joomdev since v2.5.2. But nothing improved. I will spend time to improve this in v2.5.13.
Best Regards, Sonny
Sonny, if this global problem is not resolved, it will alienate users from the astroid framework.
@Chacapamac @sonvnn
More information for Error "unreachable code after return statement" caused by file:
on line 46: I don't understand why there is some code after the return function which is the end of this function. (but same on my site, I'm not an developer, but having some beginner experiences with scripting).
Some guesses: maybe, it was an improvement and unneeessary code wasn't removed. Or maybe it was an preparation for an upcoming logic.
function generateID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
var r = Math.random() >= .5;
if (r) {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1);
var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1)
} else {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1);
var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1)
var t =;
return x + y + z + t.toString()
Just a addition This is the TimeToFirstInteractive (TTFI) = 46.6 seconds And I did have to Save to stop the timer I will also search on my side what cause this extremely long rendering...
Kind of important, as it is the main tools to control Astroid...
Just a addition This is the TimeToFirstInteractive (TTFI) = 46.6 seconds And I did have to Save to stop the timer I will also search on my side what cause this extremely long rendering...
Kind of important, as it is the main tools to control Astroid...
Hey @Chacapamac , Could you please provide details about your browser setup? plain browser without add-ons or extensions.
I used chrome(Version 97.0.4692.71 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)) with ghostery and ublock origin and got a loading time of approx. 12 seconds every time. I did 5 tests.
Be sure to wait until the green dot stop flashing on the button “Save” because until this happen the TimeToFirstInteractive is not over and the page is not ready to interact with.
When my button stop flashing the Finish time jump from: 6.06 second to 33.05 seconds
Also the 70 request become 72 request (not shown on the second image)
The DOM is loaded but the TimeToFirstInteractive (TTFI) is not ready until the flashing stop.
If your “Save” button is flashing and you wait 5 minutes and press “Save” your time to completion jump to 5 minutes + Something is hanging the Layout manager in a “Unsaved” state when you first open a layout and hang there for around 30 seconds in that unsaved state — Sometime it just hang there indefinitely until you press “Save”
I made that waterfall and indicate all the non-stop long process — Remark that I press the “Save” button (it was in that hang state) Maybe that can help?
Some questions/reflexion on the problem. • Why when entering a template layout the system see it in an unsaved state (blinking dot) • The Dom (All the visuals, images, css, js...) load in 4 to 6 seconds but the TimeToFirstInteractive (when users can interact with the page) is long or even hang by some process. (what process?) • I personally think that the problem is cause by the system that wait for a user to enter new infos or settings in the Template layout to start that blinking warning on the save button...
that's a strange behaviour. I tested it now at firefox and got TTFI of approx. 20seconds.
- loading animation on (this asteroid thingy)
- wait till green dot flashing ends (btw. it always ends if loaging animation ends on my site)
- fully loaded: 72 requests counted
best, Ayko
Be sure to wait until the green dot stop flashing on the button “Save” because until this happen the TimeToFirstInteractive is not over and the page is not ready to interact with.
**Yes, I'm sure ;-) ** I always waited till animation end and also green dot flashing.
I can't reproduce this long loading time.
To reproduce very long time you need to have the Flashing dot forever problem. In my last example, I did have to click the save button to stop the hanging process and have my TTFI (You can see in the waterfall ”Dom Event” my click save action.
— This is almost 100% reproducible (when the flashing stay on)
I just make a test entering —> Astroid Template Zero - Default
I get this where the page/DOM seem loaded
With a nice 5.6 seconds
As the hanging flashing light stay on after 40 seconds , I went and do others things, come back and press the (still flashing) Save button to make it stop.
My reading went to 5.6 seconds to 3.02 MINUTES (Meaning a TTFI of 3 minutes)
• In precedent tests when I enter the layout and the blinking stop by itself the TTFI play between 20 to 40 seconds. Even that is not acceptable as user will start to interact with the settings before the TTFI is in a ready state. And that happen 100% of the time on any Layout.
• Just test on my astroid_template_one - Default that I’m absolutely sure, i never modify and I get the exact same problems. In fact it’s a problem I point to Joomdev almost 3 years ago.
Personally, if that system of “Look for change” & “Start Flashing warning when changed” is to difficult to fix now. I will get rid of the feature altogether. If I look at the loading numbers, without it, the Astroid backend should be more than snappy.
Just my opinion: I would remove the Backend loading switch from Astroid options and always show an animation to load the backend in percent. Because some users disable the backend loader and then they start to edit even the files are not loaded already. Regards Peter
Hi @mohdyasseribz & @siewho,
May you give us some advise about this issue? You have back-end experience in EasyBlog, EasySocial. Your experience is very helpful in this case.
Kind Regards, Sonny
@sonvnn , did you try to just take out the script that wait for inputs changes to bring the blinking light?
It will give you the indication if it is the problem ? I personally think it is.....
If it is, You can take this feature out until we find something better. —> Anybody knows that if you are changing something, you need to save your changes.
—> You can replace it for a simple warning if people want to close the windows without saving, for now....
Hi @Chacapamac
Thank you I will check it and response you soon.
Best Regards, Sonny
I will try on my side, just need some time....
The Astroid animation is a good way to not have problems when playing in the Layout Manager. Also people need to check that they don’t have a blinking light when doing export/Import opération – Anyway, I did love my Astroid animation. It just tell Us to Chill out a bit.