custom-editfield icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
custom-editfield copied to clipboard

Powerful text editor class made in Xojo.


Note: This is the official version since 2015. The code at is outdated.

CustomEditField is a set of classes that are primarily designed to display source code and similar structured text, such as XML. It is ideal to show and edit Xojo / REALbasic (RbScript) code, for instance.

It comes with examples for performing a "diff" on two adjacent texts, and for using its syntax highlighting engine with other types of edit fields.

Note: If you need a more complete word processing solution that provides several different editor types then check out the Formatted Text Control ( from BKeeney Software Inc.

Supports all Xojo versions as well as REAL Studio 2012r2.1 (that's what Thomas Tempelmann uses for development).

On the Mac, it now fully supports Cocoa builds (the dead key issue has been fixed in v1.8.2 (released 19 Mar 2017).


Open the project in the IDE, select the CustomEditField folder in the project and use the Copy command to copy the data to the clipboard. Then paste it into your own project. (Attention: If you're using Xojo, save your project first, close the project and re-open it, otherwise the control won't work, e.g. typing won't appear.)

To use it, drag the CustomEditField control into a Window.


  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Line auto-indenting (some problems, see Issues tracker)
  • Autocomplete
  • Line numbering
  • Invisible characters
  • Undo
  • Line Foldings (currently not fully working, see Issues tracker)
  • Find/Replace
  • Printing
  • Bookmarks
  • Placeholders

The project runs as a demo, showing off many of its features:
