Robert Irelan

Results 97 comments of Robert Irelan

BUG-8378a67b01f1e3c45eec375f8060633f3e976b577616f30638538339b93bca50-20221001031802Z-5889b2560242ed00 This is still happening to me often, especially on mobile network. I have disabled all Private DNS in the android network settings

Turning "Override local DNS" on fixes the issue. So it seems like the Tailscale client continues to use the DNS servers from the WiFi network even after switching to mobile,...

@karlicoss Seems like the test configuration is broken.

I see. It seems that the configuration /works/, in that `fc-cache` works successfully and reads my home directory, not that of `root` or `macports` users. What do we need to...

The Portfile runs `fc-cache` in its [post-activate block]( I would expect that the post-activate block should contain only `fc-cache -sv` - the `-s` option is documented to "Only scan system-wide...

> is there anything to do here or should we close the PR? I would want to change the `post-activate` block to run only `fc-cache -sv`, and then make the...

@dylankb I see this even with `focus-follows-mouse: 0`. In my case, Chrome is the app I see this with. ``` $ /Applications/ --debug-info Version: 0.16.0 (94) OS version: Version 12.4...

@WhyNotHugo Thanks for your comments. I agree that I need to figure out how to make these changes more correct before merging, but I don't understand CalDAV or the code...

Don't merge yet -- TODO: - [ ] Add an onclick handler to the stories and comments on the HN front page so that stories are hidden when you click...