xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks copied to clipboard
Support newer firmware versions
Newer firmwares disable the S49factory exploit. Another exploit needs to be found for newer firmware versions.
It is possible to manually flash the newer firmware and modify the data partition to load a custom script.
- Shell script to download and patch the current firmware:
# download firmware
wget http://cdn.cnbj2.fds.api.mi-img.com/chuangmi-cdn/product/ipc016/firmware/IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip
unzip -j IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip
rm IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip
# extract firmware content
mkdir -p firmware
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2162688
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7667712 skip=2162688
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=9830400
rm tf_recovery.img
# patch jffs2 partition
sudo modprobe mtdblock
sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=6336
sudo dd if=firmware/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1
mkdir mount
sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mount
echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
echo '/mnt/sdcard/override.sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
sudo chmod 755 mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh
sudo umount mount
rmdir mount
sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=firmware/data.bin bs=1
- Copy the new firmware to the sdcard and flash it to the camera via telnet/ssh:
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/kernel.bin of=/dev/mtdblock1
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/rootfs.bin of=/dev/mtdblock2
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock3
- SDcard script:
if [ ! -f /tmp/.override ]; then
touch /tmp/.override
# start telnet server
/mnt/sdcard/busybox telnetd
It is possible to manually flash the newer firmware and modify the data partition to load a custom script.
- Download current firmware 3.4.5_008
- Extract firmware files:
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=kernel.bin bs=1 count=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7667712 skip=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=9830400
- Patch the data partition:
#!/bin/bash # patch jffs2 partition sudo modprobe mtdblock sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=6336 sudo dd if=data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1 mkdir mount sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mount echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh echo '/mnt/sdcard/override.sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh sudo chmod 755 mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh sudo umount mount rmdir mount sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=data.bin bs=1
- Flash the new firmware:
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/kernel.bin of=/dev/mtdblock1 dd if=/mnt/sdcard/rootfs.bin of=/dev/mtdblock2 dd if=/mnt/sdcard/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock3
- SDcard script:
#!/bin/sh main() { # start telnet /mnt/sdcard/busybox telnetd } if [ ! -f /tmp/.override ]; then touch /tmp/.override main fi
The data partition is both /dev/mtdblock3 and /dev/mtdblock0 ?
The first two steps are for preparation and doesn't happen on the camera, only the flashing process needs to be done on the camera.
@none815 "Copy the new firmware to the sdcard and flash it to the camera via telnet/ssh"
you flash firmware via telnet/ssh to enable telnet or i'm missing something here? ;)
@rezmus I think you must downgrade the camera firmware to 3.4.2_0062 and install the hacks and after you can upgrade to a new firmware release via telnet
are you sure? this github hack was done for ipc009 camera (MJSXJ02CM), and firmware from this thread is for ipc016 (CMSXJ16A). imi/chuangmi has ~20 cams (~10 360/1080p) and soc in any of them may be same or different to ipc009.
Steps are:
- Downgrade firmware
- Install the hacks
- Use the hacks to access camera via telnet
- Flash newer firmware (patched) using dd
You just need to make sure to have the correct newer firmware (patched) for your camera.
P.S. as of this moment I haven't provided a patched latest version of the firmware for the MJSXJ02CM, as I didn't work on this subject yet.
I have found 2 versions available for IPC009 model: http://cdn.cnbj2.fds.api.mi-img.com/chuangmi-cdn/product/ipc009/firmware/IPC009_3.4.6_0213.zip http://cdn.cnbj2.fds.api.mi-img.com/chuangmi-cdn/product/ipc009/firmware/IPC009_3.5.1_0217.zip
Currently when checking my camera with Mi Home app, it shows that the newest version is 3.4.6_213. So I decided to used this version. On the first attempt, the camera brick when I was flashing rootfs.bin (don't know why). I have to recover the camera with the vulnerable version 3.4.2_0062. On the second attempt, I sleeped the camera first. The flashing process went well. The camera operates normally with the patched firmware. No more update prompted on the app. I didn't confirm the 3.5.1_0217 version yet but I've checked the file systems. It seem they have updated some parts but not much changes.
Update: I will NOT recommend using version 3.5.1_0217. It has some minor updates but some script files in /etc/init.d/ will try to "umount /mnt/sdcard" upon finishing. Therefore if you place your hack scripts on /mnt/sdcard, they won't work. So to use 3.5.1_0217, you have to remove all "umount /mnt/sdcard" points in its init.d scripts.
Apparently there is 2 ways for patching firmware:
- The way @elebeaup did: inject your codes into <data.bin>/bin/log_diag_platform.sh. It will work but normally you will have to wait about 5 minutes after camera restarted because this script is executed by crontab on 5 mins interval.
- Instead of patching data partition, you can patch rootfs to make it behaves just like version 3.4.2_0062
apt-get install squashfs-tools
unsquashfs rootfs.bin
# Replace squashfs-root/etc/init.d/S49factory with the same one on version 3.4.2_0062
mksquashfs squashfs-root rootfs_patched.bin -comp xz
/etc/init.d/S49factory on version 3.4.2_0062
#must to verify the sdcard
if [ -f /mnt/sdcard/manu_test/manu.sh ]
touch /tmp/factory_mode
then flash rootfs_patched.bin to /dev/mtdblock2 of the camera.
It is possible to manually flash the newer firmware and modify the data partition to load a custom script.
- Shell script to download and patch the current firmware:
#!/bin/bash # download firmware wget http://cdn.cnbj2.fds.api.mi-img.com/chuangmi-cdn/product/ipc016/firmware/IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip unzip -j IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip rm IPC016_16.3.4.5_0081.zip # extract firmware content mkdir -p firmware dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7667712 skip=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=9830400 rm tf_recovery.img # patch jffs2 partition sudo modprobe mtdblock sudo modprobe mtdram total_size=6336 sudo dd if=firmware/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 bs=1 mkdir mount sudo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mount echo '#!/bin/sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh echo '/mnt/sdcard/override.sh' | sudo tee -a mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh sudo chmod 755 mount/bin/log_diag_platform.sh sudo umount mount rmdir mount sudo dd if=/dev/mtdblock0 of=firmware/data.bin bs=1
- Copy the new firmware to the sdcard and flash it to the camera via telnet/ssh:
dd if=/mnt/sdcard/kernel.bin of=/dev/mtdblock1 dd if=/mnt/sdcard/rootfs.bin of=/dev/mtdblock2 dd if=/mnt/sdcard/data.bin of=/dev/mtdblock3
- SDcard script:
#!/bin/sh if [ ! -f /tmp/.override ]; then touch /tmp/.override # start telnet server /mnt/sdcard/busybox telnetd fi
none815, how did you find count values for dd?
dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/kernel.bin bs=1 count=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/rootfs.bin bs=1 count=7667712 skip=2162688 dd if=tf_recovery.img of=firmware/data.bin bs=1 count=6488064 skip=9830400
How to get these values for this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ve6XlBEiZebJV6ukJ0Oiu7DePw2JCsWj/view firmware? What is algorithm (logic steps) to obtain these values for that img file?
Thank you in advance.
Oh, looks like I see, that it's only 2+7+6 MB. Cool. Thank you for sharing this. But MJSXJ05CM doesn't have root access, looks like SSH/telnet port is closed on it. How to access SSH/telnet on MJSXJ05CM?
Oh!!! I understand it now https://github.com/telmomarques/xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks/issues/18 . Cool, I'm going to AliExpress for a programmer and clips )))
Anyway, @none815, how did you discovered sizes 2162688, 7667712 and 6488064? Any marks in *.img files? Or, may be some of volume sizes standard?
cat /proc/mtd dev: size erasesize name mtd0: 00050000 00010000 "BOOT" mtd1: 00210000 00010000 "KERNEL" mtd2: 00750000 00010000 "ROOTFS" mtd3: 00630000 00010000 "DATA" mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "CONFIG" mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "FACTORY"
cat /proc/mtd dev: size erasesize name mtd0: 00050000 00010000 "BOOT" mtd1: 00210000 00010000 "KERNEL" mtd2: 00750000 00010000 "ROOTFS" mtd3: 00630000 00010000 "DATA" mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "CONFIG" mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "FACTORY"
Thank you. But in your case there's no value 2162688 for kernel, it's 00210000. Are your results from different device or maybe I can't understand meaning of value 00210000 for kernel?
And, okay, how can I get those values, if I can't run cat /proc/mtd because there's no ssh/telnet access on MJSXJ05CM? Yeah, I know values for MJSXJ05CM now, but let's imagine that there's another one camera, without ssh/telnet and I can only access flash chip of the camera. How can I get those values to dd split dumped img file from flash chip?
This is the latest firmware http://cdn.cnbj2.fds.api.mi-img.com/chuangmi-cdn/product/ipc009/firmware/IPC009_3.5.8.0406.zip
I tired to mount rootfs.bin to modify S49Factory but mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 gave me a "Can't read superblock" error.
But in your case there's no value 2162688 for kernel, it's 00210000. Are your results from different device or maybe I can't understand meaning of value 00210000 for kernel?
210000 hex = 2162688 dec. flash layout is the same for all imilab cams. just follow https://github.com/telmomarques/xiaomi-360-1080p-hacks/issues/18 to get telnet access.
I tired to mount rootfs.bin to modify S49Factory but mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 gave me a "Can't read superblock" error.
rootfs is squashfs, data is jffs2.
rootfs is squashfs, data is jffs2.
I see. That means I can't mount it rw and modify it. I tried unsquash it and modify it. After I squashed it back and dded it back, the camera was bricked. Luckily a firmware downgrade using an SD Card unblocked it.
Hi could You tell me what files to put on the sdcard ? thanks
Hi. I've tried to use 'manual' update of IPC016 with new version of FW but something went wrong and now I've bricked the device... It looks U-boot was overwritten.
Just realized that MTD0 contains u-boot but it's just archived. Finally concatenated all MTD* and flashed the chip (with desoldering).
if you did backup of /dev/mtdblock0 you should have uboot. anyway here is my copy.
si vous avez fait une sauvegarde de / dev / mtdblock0, vous devriez avoir uboot. de toute façon voici ma copie.
Hi can I upload it with the CH341 ? Thanks
Hi can I upload it with the CH341 ? Thanks
yes that's definitely what I performed. Just append MTD0..MTD5 into a single file and flashed it with CH341A. Unfortunately it was necessary to completely disassemble the camera and desolder flash chip.
Hi can I upload it with the CH341 ? Thanks
yes that's definitely what I performed. Just append MTD0..MTD5 into a single file and flashed it with CH341A. Unfortunately it was necessary to completely disassemble the camera and desolder flash chip.
Sorry I'm novice, how to do that :"Just append MTD0..MTD5 into a single file" ?
Sorry I'm novice, how to do that :"Just append MTD0..MTD5 into a single file" ?
on windows you can just use command line command "copy": copy mtd0.bin + mtd1.bin + mtd2.bin + mtd3.bin + mtd4.bin + mtd5.bin all_together.bin resulted file should be exactly 16Mb (16777216 bytes)
some one could send me the complete bin? MTD0..MTD5
Hi. I've tried to use 'manual' update of IPC016 with new version of FW but something went wrong and now I've bricked the device... It looks U-boot was overwritten.
Just realized that MTD0 contains u-boot but it's just archived. Finally concatenated all MTD* and flashed the chip (with desoldering).
It there any chance you still have .bin for IPC016? I dumped mine with SOIC clip and patched as described, but probably something went wrong while making backup...
if you did backup of /dev/mtdblock0 you should have uboot. anyway here is my copy.
Do you still have this file? Link is expired, and i completly briked my IPC016. Thank you!
I thinks it's this file https://ufile.io/4hsg0qwh