iotagent-node-lib copied to clipboard
Module to enable IoT Agent developers to build custom agents for their devices that can easily connect to NGSI Context Brokers
explicitAttrs: true behaves as expected but explicitAttrs:"true" or explicitAttrs:"m0==null?[]:true" doesn't.
[merge-patch]( is an advanced operation which would be usefully supported by some robotics IoT Agents - e.g. ROS2, OPC-UA. This PR adds a new merge-patch handler and forwards NGSI-LD merge-patch...
The latest NGSI-LD Specification has been published. Opening an issue similar to #1258 and #1259 to discuss questions further. [iotagent-node-lib]( is now listed as an **Informative reference** within the latest...
Given the following group: ``` { "attributes" : [ { "name" : "myAtt", "type" : "text" } ], "resource" : "/iot/json", "apikey" : "key", "type" : "MySensorGroup", **"entityNameExp" : "'expression'+id",**...
Unlike #1258 adding merge PATCH support will prove a bit tricker. 1. Not all IoT Agents will want to support the merge PATCH endpoint **at all** (though it is useful...
Mongo-DB access is **slow**. This PR minimizes the need to make database calls, by caching the last 1000 device calls and 100 group calls in a refreshable [cache]( This in... " Currently autoprovision is not storing a device with an apikey."
Currently autoprovision is not storing a device with an apikey. This will be desirable to middle term.
We have the following functions JEXL transformations in lib/jexlTranformsMap.js ``` replaceallstr: (str, from, to) => str.replaceAll(from, to), replaceallregexp: (str, reg, to) => str.replaceAll(new RegExp(reg, 'g'), to), ``` Both are using...