fiware-sth-comet copied to clipboard
A component of the FIWARE ecosystem in charge of managing historical and aggregated time series context information
Fixes #432 partially. aggrMethod can take multiple aggregations using comma separation.
latest is 17.8.5 first @hapi/hapi starts in 17.9.0 But migratin from 16.x to 17.y needs:
Mimics from - [x] Tested
Hello. Currently, STH-Comet 2.10.0 is using Mongo driver version 3.6.12. Is it correct that STH-Comet supports until 4.4 100% and supports until 6.0 except for new features? Also, it...
I'm using STH-Comet in a docker-compose yaml file and have CORS issues. Here is an extract of yaml file (I'm using .env file too): ``` sth-comet: image: fiware/sth-comet:${STH_COMET_VERSION} hostname: sth-comet...
Currently: ``` aggrMethod must be one of max, min, sum, sum2, occur ``` It would be great: 1. To include costless additional aggregations. For example, average is sum by occur....
Using MongoDB 5.0.4 some tests are failing: ``` 2255 passing (24s) 9 failing ``` All them with this error message: ``` MongoError: BSON field 'listCollections.nameOnly' is the wrong type 'int',...
I have Orion, Cygnus and STH-Comet(installed and configured in formal mode). Each component is in a container docker. I implemented the infrastructure with docker-compose.yml. The Cygnus container is configured as...