ngx-file-drag-drop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ngx-file-drag-drop copied to clipboard

A simple angular material file input component which lets the user drag and drop files, or select files with the native file picker.


Check out the Demo


npm i ngx-file-drag-drop


selector: <ngx-file-drag-drop>

implements: ControlValueAccessor to work with angular forms

Additionnal properties

Name Description
@Input() multiple: boolean Allows multiple file inputs, false by default
@Input() accept: string Any value the native accept attribute can get. Doesn't validate input.
@Input() disabled: boolean Disable the input.
@Input() emptyPlaceholder : string Placeholder for empty input, default Drop file or click to select
@Input() displayFileSize : boolean Show file size in chip rather than in tooltip, default false
@Input() activeBorderColor: string A css color for when file is dragged into drop area, default purple
@Output() valueChanged:EventEmitter<File[]> Event emitted when input value changes
addFiles():(files: File[] | FileList | File) => void Update input
removeFile():(file:File) => void Removes the file from the input
clear(): () => void Removes all files from the input
files: File[] Getter for form value
isEmpty: boolean Whether the input is empty (no files) or not



<span>{{ 104857600 | byteFormat }}</span>

Output: 100 MB


import { FileValidators } from "ngx-file-drag-drop";
Validator Description
uniqueFileNames Disallow two files with same file name
fileExtension(ext: string[]) Required file extensions
fileType(types: string[] | RegExp) Required Mime Types
maxFileCount(count: number) Max number of files
maxFileSize(bytes: number) Max bytes allowed per file
maxTotalSize(bytes: number) Max total input size
required At least one file required