Tejasvi S. Tomar

Results 23 issues of Tejasvi S. Tomar

`quote` is redundant since we anyway `urlencode(parameters)` at the end.

It will be handy for navigating hierarchical content (nested code, markdown lists).

I am able to yank folds. Is it possible to delete/move folded content as well (like Vim)?

First off, excellent work. Using Github OAuth for login was clever. I want to filter the questions having official solutions ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45873379/102216728-95763000-3f01-11eb-9a78-58c448021bf8.png). I tried modifying [leetcode.rs](https://github.com/dragfire/leetup/blob/master/src/service/leetcode.rs), but couldn't get it working...

`{"ugly": "+*", "style": {"border": "1pt solid green"}},` does not apply style anywhere. I checked with devtools and the styles are not loaded.

When display scaling is enabled the size of key hints is very small. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/45873379/104125155-054dce00-537b-11eb-9284-5c8779701b94.png) After overriding application DPI scaling with the system scaling the size becomes normal but the text...

### p.cpp #include "wnb/core/wordnet.hh" #include "wnb/nltk_similarity.hh" using namespace std; using namespace wnb; int main() { wordnet wn = wordnet("/usr/bin/", true); vector synsets1 = wn.get_synsets("cat", 1); vector synsets2 = wn.get_synsets("dog", 1);...

I am using `PidFileError` exception raised while acquiring the lock to check its acquired status. But it interferes with the other attempts to acquire the lock during the check period....