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A collection of tutorials from Deep Learning conferences.
A curated list of tutorial slides from conferences including NIPS, ICLR, ICML, and more. Also resources from Deep Learning Summer School would be included. Online lectures and journals are all informative, however these tutorials are also much valuable. Reading all state-of-the-art papers and news of machine learning is difficult. With these tutorials, I can grasp ideas from papers more easily.
Table of Contents
- Unsupervised Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Computer Vision
- Algorithms and Mathematics
- Implementations
Unsupervised Learning
Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks
- Ian Goodfellow, NIPS 2016
Adversarial Approaches to Bayesian Learning and Bayesian Approaches to Adversarial Robustness
- Ian Goodfellow, NIPS 2016
Adversarial Examples and Adversarial Training
- Ian Goodfellow, NIPS 2016
Energy-based GANs & Other Adversarial Things
- Yann LeCun, NIPS 2016
Predictive Learning
- Yann LeCun, NIPS 2016
Variational Inference: Foundations and Modern Methods
- David Blei, Rajesh Ranganath, Shakir Mohamed, NIPS 2016
Learning Deep Generative Models
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Building Machines that Imagine and Reason: Principles and Applications of Deep Generative Models
- Shakir Mohamed, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Reinforcement Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Optimization
- Pieter Abbeel, John Schulman, NIPS 2016
The Nuts and Bolts of Deep RL Research
- John Schulman, NIPS 2016
Tutorial: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- David Silver, ICML 2016
- David Silver, ICML 2016
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- Joelle Pineau, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Pieter Abbeel, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Computer Vision
Hierarchical Object Detection with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Miriam Bellver, Xavier Giroi Niento, Ferran Marques, Jordi Torres, NIPS 2016
Deep Learning for Computer Vision
- Andrej Karpathy, Bay Area DL School 2016
Deep Residual Networks: Deep Learning Gets Way Deeper
- Kaiming He, ICML 2016
Convolutional Neural Networks and Computer Vision
- Rob Fergus, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Learning Program Representations: Symbols to Vectors to Semantics
- Charles Sutton, NIPS 2016
Memory Networks for Language Understanding
- Jason Weston, ICML 2016
Recurrent Neural Networks
- Yoshua Bengio, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Reasoning, Attention and Memory
- Sumit Chopra, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Deep Natural Language Understanding
- Kyunghyun Cho, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Beyond Seq2Seq with Augmented RNNs
- Edward Grefenstette, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Algorithms and Mathematics
Towards Biologically Plausible Deep Learning
- Yoshua Bengio, NIPS 2016
Higher-order Factorization Machines
- Mathieu Blondel, NIPS 2016
Nuts and Bolts of Building AI Applications Using Deep Learning
- Andrew Ng, NIPS 2016
Joint Causal Inference on Observational and Experimental Datasets
- Sara Magliacane, Tom Claassen, Joris M. Mooij, NIPS 2016
Foundations of Deep Learning
- Hugo Larochelle, Bay Area DL School 2016
Recent Advances in Non-Convex Optimization
- Anima Anandkumar, ICML 2016
- Stochastic Gradient Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning [part1][part2][part3]
- Leon Buttou, Frank E. Curtis, Jorge Nocedal, ICML 2016
- Online Convex Optimization, A Game-Theoretic Approach to Learning [part1][part2]
- Elad Hazan, Satyen Kale, ICML 2016
Rigorous Data Dredging: Theory and Tools for Adaptive Data Analysis
- Moritz Hardt, Aaron Roth, ICML 2016
- Graph Sketching, Streaming, and Space-Efficient Optimization [part1][part2]
- Sudipto Guha, Andrew McGregor, ICML 2016
Causal Inference for Observational Studies
- David Sontag, Uri Shalit, ICML 2016
Introduction to Machine Learning
- Doina Precup, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Neural Networks
- Hugo Larochelle, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
- Theano Tutorial [BA][DLSS]
- Pascal Lamblin, Bay Area DL School, Deep Learning Summer School, 2016
TensorFlow Tutorial
- Sherry Moore, Bay Area DL School 2016
Introduction to Torch
- Alex Wiltschko, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Large Scale Deep Learning with TensorFlow
- Jeff Dean, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
GPU Programming for Deep Learning
- Julie Bernauer, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Crowdsourcing: Beyond Label Generation
- Jenn Wortman Vaughan, NIPS 2016
Machine Learning & Likelihood Free Inference in Particle Physics
- Kyle Cranmer, NIPS 2016
FusionNet: 3D Object Classification Using Multiple Data Representations
- Vishakh Hedge, Reza Zadeh, NIPS 2016
Beyond Inspiration: Five Lessons from Biology on Building Intelligent Machines
- Bruno Olshausen, Deep Learning Summer School 2016
Theoretical Neuroscience and Deep Learning Theory
- Surya Ganguli, Deep Learning Summer School 2016