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Dark mode GUI elements not working consistently (Windows 11 Pro)
Dark mode does not consistently make all GU elements dark. It used to before, but there are now inconsistencies and glitches that were not present before. (Apologies, but I cannot recall if this started after any specific updates, or when it started exactly.)
When I have notes open on the side while reading a pdf document, the notes panel is no longer dark even when dark mode is activated for the pdf. (You can see this in the image I posted with the next point.) But if I open the note on the side while in Zotero browsing pane, the note content is darkened properly. The note also does not follow dark mode when opened in its own window. All this used to work before, but does not any more. This has been ongoing for a while now, so is not related specifically to the latest Night for Zotero update.
The GU element around the side window while reading a pdf document is glitchy and does not display properly. You can see below that the button to select "Notes" does not display properly because the background is not displaying properly, and is also not darkened like the rest of the window.
This appears to have started with the update to the latest version of Night for Zotero.
When I open the "Night Preferences" from the Zotero menu, I get the following window open:
If I check the "Enable Dark Theme" box at the top and click "OK", that does not seem to save or do anything noticeable. The box is unchecked if I open the dialogue again. And checking the other options below that box does not seem to do anything, although the same option remains checked the next time I open the dialogue window. This has never worked for me as long as I have noticed it and tried to use it, so I don't know if this is just not functional yet.
I am using Windows 11 Pro, with all latest Windows and Zotero (6.0.10) updates installed, and on the latest version of Night for Zotero extension (0.4.16). I have also tried this it out on machines with Windows 11 Home and Windows 10 Pro, and I get the same glitches.
I have tried reinstalling the extension, but that has no effect. Below are the other extensions I have installed, and I have not installed any additional extensions after I first installed Night for Zotero.
These glitches aside, this extension has been an amazing improvement to Zotero for a night-owl like me, and I appreciate all the hard work in making this extension.
Yeah i think this has been introduced in the newest version of zotero, i need to update the css but haven't been able to get to it yet, apologies
please see #75 for the fix