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Advanced audio-video converter for Linux with support for modern audio and video formats like HEVC, OPUS, WEBM, etc. Can be used in scripted mode, or by running the GTK frontend.

Results 8 selene issues
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Hello I like Selene to convert videos, but is not updated some time ago .... so, will you add AV1 encoding? Thank you

**Describe the bug** Error when converting some video files. Unfortunately nothing can be found which could be the cause. Whether h264 or h265 to h265, also it does not matter...

I added missing Ukrainian translation.


My only issue with Selene - since I use it for very simple batch conversions of FLACs to M4A and nothing else so far - is the [Finish] step at...

Hi. I've seen that the Nero AAC codec file from went offline. You use it in some scripts. BR, Björn

Hi! I am a fan of the Opus format but the problem that we may encounter with this format is when downmixing to mono (in the case of a bluetooth...

Following the APT & PPA based install instructions on Xubuntu 20.04 leads to `E: Unable to locate package selene` - the package is either no longer available in the PPA...