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Keyboard Shortcuts in Help menu not working

Open PrSdNt opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Polo v18.2 BETA

The "Keyboard Shortcuts" menu-item in the help menu doesn't work.

PrSdNt avatar Mar 05 '18 08:03 PrSdNt

Still happens in 18.8

It would be good if they were at least written down in the wiki...

MikeWallaceDev avatar Aug 23 '18 20:08 MikeWallaceDev

That menu item was for showing a window like this one: image https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkShortcutsWindow.html

I didn't get time to write code for it. I'll remove this menu item.

Someone can sponsor this feature if they need it.

teejee2008 avatar Aug 29 '18 16:08 teejee2008