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Forward & Backward keyboard browser keys don't work with Polo

Open clove3am opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

Feature request. When using the forward and backward browser keyboard shortcut keys, Polo doesn't do anything. The same is for my mouse which has forward and backward keys. Nautilus on the other hand works as expected.

clove3am avatar Jun 09 '17 20:06 clove3am

I don't plan to add support for this. If someone can implement this I'll be happy to merge it.

teejee2008 avatar Jun 09 '18 17:06 teejee2008

Hey, there are three issues like this one, so I'll just comment on all. Implementing this should be as easy as using a key bind that listens to the XF86Back and XF86Forward buttons, should work for most keyboards. It could also be useful to set key binds for XF86HomePage, XF86Favorites, XF86Search and XF86Menu for home folder, bookmarks, search and context menu respectively. I'd do it myself, but I lack the programming knowledge.

ivanmlerner avatar Jun 10 '18 08:06 ivanmlerner

This feature is not useful to me so I don't wish to spend time on it. If someone wants to take up this work they can do so.

teejee2008 avatar Jun 11 '18 07:06 teejee2008