battery-monitor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
battery-monitor copied to clipboard

Battery monitor for laptops. Displays detailed statistics for battery life, remaining capacity, and charge/discharge rate.

Results 8 battery-monitor issues
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Hi, I think, this is too much for such an auxiliary tool! See screen shot. ![aptik-battery-monitor]( Additionally it does not work fully on Ubuntu 18.04, see screen shot. ![aptik-battery-monitor-gtk](

Does it support Ubuntu 19.04?

hello all, to install is > sudo sh ./aptik-battery-monitor* and to remove? how to remove the installation? vlw fwi, Holmes :)

![screenshot from 2018-05-27 23-13-40]( I could see only NaN% in battery percentage. Not working!!!

If the system battery data is available under /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/ the battery monitor doesn't collect data. This happens on Lenovo notebooks where the Battery always appears as BAT1 and not BAT0.... It appears that the POT file corresponds to the wrong project :D