aptik-legacy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aptik-legacy copied to clipboard

This tool is deprecated. New version can be found at: https://github.com/teejee2008/aptik

Results 12 aptik-legacy issues
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I am not sure if reports on LaunchPad are looked at so I am posting here as there is recent activity here and none there. Please see this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/apt-toolkit/+bug/1712844...

After ppas and packages are restored, leave the selection state unchanged. Don't selected unselected ppas. Remember the selection state for next run.

Add option to remove/purge PPAs from the backup. Create another tool for managing PPAs?

Backup and restore manually-added repos like google-chrome, etc

Display packages that were installed from the ppa. So that user can decide if they want to restore that PPA on the new system

Provide an option to review 32-bit packages that are selected, before restoring

Unselect kernel packages by default while restoring

I have tested this on ubuntu 16.04 whereas I do a one click backup on 1 system & when I do a one click restore - it does not seem...

Hello Mr. Tony, i got these specific message when tried to compile APTIK using Anjuta, [compile-log.txt](https://github.com/teejee2008/aptik/files/1082257/compile-log.txt) Is there any way to workaround with that? I'm using Ubuntu Mate 16.04. 64...