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:book: What I'm reading lately


Code Climate

An unassuming place to accumulate knowledge.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

Ben Franklin


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  • Articles
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I want to remember more of what I read, so I take notes to share compressed wisdom.


This project serves a few purposes:

  • log what I'm learning from reading books and articles, listening to conference talks and podcasts, etc
  • consider how ideas from various sources connect to others
  • keep placeholders for what to read / listen / watch in the future
  • explore topics for immediate pragmatic value to purely intellectual curiosity


I read articles on Instapaper and books mostly on Kindle or Safari Books Online. I read nonlinearly and often not cover to cover (blank spots == not yet read). I skim Hacker News and Techmeme weekly.

I recommend two macOS apps for working with Markdown: FoldingText and Marked.


Show Articles

Most recently read first

  • How to Accomplish Dread Tasks
  • What Goes Up Must Come Down
  • How to Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research
  • Ruby has been fast enough for 13 years
  • Location Wars - Part I: History and the Problem
  • I'm Not Living The Dream
  • Shannon's Method: Overcome Habit Procrastination
  • Working from Home and Phatic Communication
  • The Zen of Limits
  • Minimalism Isn't Traveling the World with Nothing
  • Fixing the Inequity of Startup Equity


  • Algorithms to Live By
  • Building Microservices
  • Deep Work
  • Digital Minimalism
  • Django By Example
  • Effective Python
  • Expert Python Programming
  • Flask Web Development
  • Fluent Python
  • Founders at Work
  • Getting Real
  • Hackers & Painters
  • How Google Works
  • Idiot's Guides: Zen Living
  • Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
  • It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work
  • Lightweight Django
  • MAKE
  • Out of Office
  • Practical Django Projects
  • Pragmatic Thinking & Learning
  • Pro Django
  • Pro Python
  • Python in a Nutshell
  • Remote
  • Remote Pairing
  • Rework
  • Risk/Reward
  • Shoe Dog
  • Show Your Work!
  • Site Reliability Engineering
  • Startup Playbook
  • The 4-Hour Work Week
  • The 50th Law
  • The Diagrams Book
  • The Dip
  • The Elements of Investing
  • The Hard Thing About Hard Things
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
  • The Intelligent Investor
  • The Launch Pad
  • The Personal MBA
  • The Power of Less
  • The Pragmatic Programmer
  • Tools of Titans
  • Two Scoops of Django 1.8
  • Unsubscribe
  • Vagabonding
  • Warren Buffet on Business
  • You Have Too Much Shit
  • Your Money: The Missing Manual
  • Zen Habits
  • Zero to One


  • DEF CON 23
  • DEF CON 24
  • DEF CON 25
  • DjangoCon US 2016
  • DjangoCon US 2018
  • Female Founders Conference 2016
  • Fluent 2016
  • Git Merge 2015
  • Git Merge 2016
  • Google Cloud Next '18
  • JupyterCon 2017
  • JupyterCon 2018
  • PyBay 2018
  • PyCon 2015
  • PyCon 2016
  • PyCon 2017
  • PyCon 2018
  • PyOhio 2016
  • PyOhio 2018
  • Startup School SV 2014
  • Startup School 2016
  • Velocity 2017 - San Jose
  • Velocity 2018 - San Jose


  • How to Start a Startup
  • Startup School MOOC
    • 18 - How to Raise Money, and How to Succeed Long-Term
  • The Art of Grinding Coffee


  • Cities and Ambition
  • Walking


  • Drift
  • Increment
  • Logic Magazine
  • Offscreen


  • Bay Area Apache Airflow
  • Pyninsula


  • a16z
  • Python Bytes
    • 12 - Expanding your Python mental model and serving millions of requests per second with Python
    • 21 - Python has a new star framework for RESTful APIs
    • 23 - Can you grok the GIL?
  • Simplify by Blinkist
  • StartUp
  • Startup School Radio
    • 24 - Sam Altman and Aarjav Trivedi
    • 33 - Y Combinator on Formation and Fundraising
    • 35 - Paul Graham
  • Talk Python to Me
  • The Lively Show
    • 18 - Intentions, Values, and Meaning with Noah Kagan
  • The Minimalists
    • 13 - Career
  • The Pitch
    • S2E2 - Sudden Coffee
  • Y Combinator


  • Computerphile
    • Indie App Developer - Marco Arment Interview
  • TIME 100 - Kanye West by Elon Musk
  • Y Combinator - How to Build the Future


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