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Additional features & options for build and pipeline processes.

Open f0oster opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


Extending the scaffolding to offer some additional convenience features in the build would be nice.

Any additional features would presumably exist as additional items in the module generation schema and thus would be presented as opt-in choices during module generation.

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Additional opt-in build features: including more options to support commonly implemented tasks, such as automating the substitution of public functions into FunctionsToExport during the build process, would be useful.
  • Build/pipeline versioning: a mechanism to trigger versioning increments during builds and or pipelines would be nice. I appreciate that maybe this is a little too specialized/opinionated to be included in this project, so keen to hear your thoughts here.

Describe any alternatives you've considered

I guess the obvious alternative is to inject your own build and pipeline files after generation, or to fork the project to customize things in the first place. Personally I'd rather minimize making my own private changes when I feel that they are probably changes that many others can benefit from -- I feel it undermines the spirit of sharing and open source a little.

Additional context

Kudos on a cool project! Appreciate the efforts you've put into it.

f0oster avatar Jun 16 '23 02:06 f0oster