Neil Smyth
Neil Smyth
## Description Polishing the functionality around invitations / applications ## Initiative / goal Making the invitation / application process as smooth as possible ### Hypothesis Invitations / applications are the...
## Description Having a stable QA base is critical to a quality service ## Goal Having a stable nightly is key to having a quality release ## Hypothesis Having robust...
## Description As a platform admin / campaign manager I want to understand the usage of VCs ## Goal Ensuring safe usage of VCs on Alkemio ## Hypothesis Being able...
## Description Allowing the person inviting a VC into the space to be able to see multiple levels of data ## Goal Ensure users feel safe inviting VCs into their...
## Description Ensuring that the data used by VCs is up to date ## Goal Allowing for near real time data freshness (i.e. latest data) ## Hypothesis Users expect to...
## Description Creating an "external" AI service, to demonstrate and path find the usage of external AI services as the engines of VCs. ## Goal Allowing external AI services to...
## Description Ensuring that the release management process is repeatable, documented, with clear roles and separated from infrastructure management ## Initiative / goal Platform management ### Hypothesis Investing in release...
## Description As a user I want a security model I can understand ## Acceptance criteria - [ ] Agree on the rights associated with the key roles: space admin,...
## Description Allowing a user to act on behalf of e.g. an organization ## Goal Makes managing entities simpler. ## Hypothesis _What is your hypothesis on the success of this...
Idea is that auth reset should only save authorizationPolicies, not touch any other parts of the data. As such each authoriziationPolicy returns the authorizationPolicies that have been updated (in-memory), and...