Neil Smyth
Neil Smyth
## Description A tidy up of the administration of the platform ## Goal Ensure that support team is effective ## Hypothesis There should be a separate admin set of queries...
## Description Allowing for uploading of files / images etc before the entity that they are for is fully created ## Goal Improve user experience Improve code maintainability by not...
## Description Tidy up the client code base to address known gaps This is technical debt that needs to be addressed; it is confusing for both current and new developers...
## Description A grouping of technical debt in the platform to be addressed ## Initiative / goal Team productivity ### Hypothesis Tidying up the migrations will make server side development...
## Description Optimizing the client load time for faster page loads and better responsiveness Improving the build setup for the client so that the user has less data to download...
## Description Currently is the creation of an entity fails, then there are often partial entities left over - causing both orphaned data and instability in the server. ## Goal...
## Description _Brief summary of what this Epic is, whether it's a larger project, goal, or user story. Describe the job to be done, which persona this Epic is mainly...
## Description Allowing identities already in use within the education market in NL to be used to login to Alkemio. ## Goal Adoption in the education market in NL ##...
## Description The goal is to have referential integrity in our database, have all relations properly defined and to have the SQL / migrations match the typeORM entities. That way...
## Description Extending and improving the wider set of authentication possibilities on Alkemio ## Initiative / goal Allowing users to easily and more enjoyably authenticate to the platform ### Hypothesis...