Neil Smyth
Neil Smyth
@hero101 just hit this one again...simply cannot find callouts + that is blocking my usage of the platform.
@valentinyanakiev this is to do with storageAggregators it seems. The following query is simpler + still shows the issue: ``` query SpaceStorageAdminPage($spaceNameId: UUID_NAMEID!) { space(ID: $spaceNameId) { id profile {...
So this may be a data integrity issue - will need some direct db access to triage further Note: there are 16 challenges in the space, and the space storage...
No longer use xstate for innovation flow
@valentinyanakiev @Comoque1 I am taking this update into the licensing branch; working a bunch with agents there. Leave branch up for now but will not be taken forward.
@alstojanovic what we have now is workable, but not very future proof e.g. if we add a new activity type then we would need to update the client. I will...
@valentinyanakiev we need to discuss this one, should it have a nameID instead of a name?