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Worker PID Cleanup on Boot

Open evantahler opened this issue 11 years ago • 2 comments

Thanks for this awesome module!

One of the things that ruby-resque does at boot is inspect the list of workers redis has, and check if any of them used to run on this server, and check if they are still running. This is important for knowing the status of your ecosystem (and allowing the resque web interface to continue to make sense)

In our projects, we use the following methods to clean up pids at boot:

var os = require("os");
var exec = require('child_process').exec;

var pidCleanup = function(worker, callback){
  var self = this;
  var hostname =;
  var redis = worker.redis;
  self.getPids('node', function(error, matchedPids){
    var hostKey = "resque:worker:" + hostName + "*"; 
    redis.keys(hostKey, function(err, keys){
      if(keys.length == 0){ 
        var started = 0;
          var pid = parseInt(key.split(":")[3]);
          var queues = key.split(":")[4];
          if(matchedPids.indexOf(pid) >= 0){
            // pid is still running,
              if(started == 0){ callback(); }
            // pid has crashed or been stopped
            console.log("removing previously stopped worker pid from resque: " + pid);
            redis.del(key, function(){
              var setEntry = hostName + ":" + pid + ":" + queues;
              redis.srem(setEntry, function(){
                if(started == 0){ callback(); }

var getPids = function(matcher, callback){
  // It's important here to ALSO look for what normal resque would run `grep resque`
  var grepString = 'ps awx | grep "' + String(matcher) + '\\|resque" | grep -v grep';
  var child = exec(grepString, function(error, stdout, stderr){
    var pids = [];
      line = line.trim();
      if(line.length > 0){
        var pid = parseInt(line.split(' ')[0]);
    callback(error, pids);

// Boot Sequence //

var worker = require('coffee-resque').connect().worker(queues, processor); = os.hostname(); // an important override to match ruby-redis!

worker.pidCleanup(worker, function(){

evantahler avatar Mar 05 '13 04:03 evantahler

I ended up with this that not only removes dead workers, but also fails stuck jobs so you can re-queue them using the interface if you want.

os = require("os")
exec = require("child_process").exec
async = require 'async'

pidCleanup = (hostname, redis, pids, callback) ->
  hostKey = "resque:worker:" + hostname + "*"
  redis.keys hostKey, (err, keys) ->
    #console.log err, keys, hostKey
    return callback(err) if err
    return callback() unless keys.length

    workersToDelete = []
    keysToDelete = []
    jobsToFail = []

    processKey = (key, cb) ->
      parts = key.split(":")
      [prefix, worker, hostname, pid, queues] = parts[..5]
      pid = parseInt(pid, 10)

      # skip known process ids
      return cb() if pid in pids

      # delete both the "in-process" job keys as well as the "started" keys
      keysToDelete.push key

      # Started seems to mean when the worker was created.
      # If this key doesn't end with :started, then it means it is the job
      # that's in progress.
      isStarted = (parts.length == 6 and parts[5] == 'started')

      if isStarted
        workerKey = "#{hostname}:#{pid}:#{queues}"
        workersToDelete.push workerKey

        # in-process job that has to be retrieved so we can fail it
        redis.get key, (err, ipString) ->
          ip = JSON.parse(ipString)
          jobName = ip.payload['class']
            queue: ip.queue
            payload: ip.payload
            worker: "#{hostname}:#{pid}:#{queues}"
            exception: "Error"
            error: "Stuck Job: #{jobName}"
            backtrace: [] # is this necessary?
            failed_at: new Date()
          cb() keys, processKey, (err) ->
      return callback(err) if err

      unless keysToDelete.length or workersToDelete.length or jobsToFail.length
        return callback()

      console.log "keysToDelete", keysToDelete
      console.log "workersToDelete", workersToDelete
      console.log "jobsToFail", jobsToFail

      multi = redis.multi()

      for key in keysToDelete
        multi.del key

      for member in workersToDelete
        multi.srem "resque:workers", member

      for job in jobsToFail
        multi.incr "resque:stat:failed"
        jobString = JSON.stringify(job)
        multi.lpush "resque:failed", jobString

      multi.exec (err, results) ->
        return callback(err) if err

getPids = (matcher, callback) ->
  grepString = "ps awx | grep \"#{matcher}\" | grep -v grep"
  child = exec grepString, (err, stdout, stderr) ->
    pids = []
    for line in stdout.split("\n")
      line = line.trim()
      continue unless line
      pid = parseInt(line.split(" ")[0], 10)
      pids.push pid
    callback err, pids

cleanDeadWorkers = (callback) ->
  getPids "resque", (err, pids) ->
    return callback(err) if err
    # NOTE: pids might contain more than just job queue worker processes, but
    # that's OK because it is a whitelist only.
    pidCleanup os.hostname(), jobq.redis, pids, callback

if require.main == module
  cleanDeadWorkers (err) ->
    throw err if err

lerouxb avatar Jan 15 '14 15:01 lerouxb

I guess I should update that we've moved over to our own resque package, and here's what we use for our pid cleanup logic now:

worker.prototype.workerCleanup = function(callback){
  var self = this;
  self.getPids(function(err, pids){
    self.connection.redis.smembers(self.connection.key('workers'), function(err, workers){
        var parts = w.split(":");
        var host = parts[0]; var pid = parseInt(parts[1]); var queues = parseInt(parts[2]);
        if(host === os.hostname() && pids.indexOf(pid) < 0){
            self.emit("cleaning_worker", w, pid);
            var parts = w.split(":");
            var queues = parts.splice(-1, 1);
            var pureName = parts.join(':')
            self.untrack(pureName, queues);
      if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(); }

worker.prototype.getPids = function(callback){
  var child = exec('ps awx | grep -v grep', function(error, stdout, stderr){
    var pids = [];
      line = line.trim();
      if(line.length > 0){
        var pid = parseInt(line.split(' ')[0]);
    callback(error, pids);

and worker.untrack is

worker.prototype.untrack = function(name, queues, callback) {
  var self = this;
  self.connection.redis.srem(self.connection.key('workers'), (name + ":" + queues), function(){
      self.connection.key('worker', name, self.stringQueues()),
      self.connection.key('worker', name, self.stringQueues(), 'started'),
      self.connection.key('stat', 'failed', name),
      self.connection.key('stat', 'processed', name)
    ], function(err){
      if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(err); }

More details here

evantahler avatar Jan 15 '14 16:01 evantahler