glowbear icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
glowbear copied to clipboard

add custom Touch Bar buttons on macOS MacBook Pro

GlowBear: The TouchBar Customization Tool for your MacBook Pro

This is a tool for creating custom buttons to go on your MacBook Pro's touch bar (that glowy bar that hijacked the F-key row). It also supplies hotkey support so that you can map both a Touch Bar button and a hotkey.

Glow Bear


  • node
  • yarn or npm


Build it the first time with npm install && npm build or yarn install && yarn build

Create/edit your ~/.config/glowbear/glowbear.yaml file to contain the buttons and commands you want to run.

Run with npm start or yarn start.

To raise the app, press CMD-SHIFT-.. At that point, the buttons will be visible on the button bar, and the accelerator keys will be active.

glowbear.yaml Format

The glowbear.yaml format contains a list of commands, with each command being represented as a button on the Touch Bar.

- name: "Web"
  color: "#b00707"
  accelerator: "a"
  applescript: |-
    tell application "Vivaldi"
      set visible of first window whose visible is true to true
    end tell

Commands have the following properties:

  • name: Text to display on the button.
  • color: A CSS-formatted color for the button.
  • accelerator: A hotkey (optional).
  • applescript: The script to execute when the button is clicked or the acclerator is executed.

Check out the examples directory for more examples.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for more.

Images in this package are licensed under CC-0 from


Feel free to open pull requests on this project. The main goal of the project was to make a tool for my own personal use. So I don't actively develop on this unless I get an idea.