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Svelte 5 compatibility
Issue to track any Svelte 5 compatibility issues. Hoping close to 0
changes are required in Svelte UX to support 5.
⚠️ PENDING: sveld (API docs) not compatible
issue: #435
⚠️ PENDING: MultiSelect
hangs browser (MultiSelectField / MultiSelectMenu appear to work fine)
example: (see screenshot)
✅ FIXED: Form
$: dispatch('change', ...)
called immediately (not after change)
examples: svelte 4, svelte 5 fix:
✅ FIXED: SelectField
selection not working (bind:value issue?)
example: fix:
✅ FIXED: Duration
Cannot access 'timer' before initialization
example: fix:
can only be opened once (likely portal related). Removes subsequent elements. Issue with portal'd content and multiple elements in same
issue:, see also:
workaround: Place each portal'd content into separate {#if}
block (commit)
✅ WORKAROUND: Portal actions timing is different with available DOM
fix: add explicit document.body
for example, likely only affects docs (presence of .PortalTarget
✅ WONTFIX: <tr>
is invalid inside <table>
fix: add explilcit <tbody>
✅ FIXED: can only receive attributes, not directives
issue: fix:
✅ FIXED: type
attribute must be a static text value if input uses two-way binding
Fixed via:
Reported in discord. If ran within the Svelte 5 beta (ex. 5.0.0-next.15
), currently Input throws a 'type' attribute must be a static text value if input uses two-way binding
✅ FIXED: let
directive on <svelte:self>
issue: fix:
I found a fix for this, I made a PR #145. There is one more problem with TreeList.svelte, but I am hoping to get early feedback on this fix first!
Thanks @CropWatchDevelopment, but it looks like this is a regression with the Svelte 5 compiler (see issue and Twitter/X discussion, including confirmation by Simon (Svelte/Vercel team).
I also found a workaround using <svelte:element>
, although I would prefer to wait for it to be fixed upstream (which it should be). It looks like Svelte 3/4 had an explicit check for bind:this
that likely was overlooked as part of the Svelte 5 rewrite, so likely the fix will be similar (and hopefully as simple).
Would it be OK if we wait a bit to see if this is resolved upstream before we consider a workaround?
I'm curious what you found in TreeList.
100% Yes OK to wait until later. After checking the Svelte repo and seeing all of the v5 issues logged. I am thinking I may wait a few months even before making the move. It seems like v5 may take a bit be fully worked out :) I will pull down the PR, but Hope to help out in the future!
100% Yes OK to wait until later. After checking the Svelte repo and seeing all of the v5 issues logged. I am thinking I may wait a few months even before making the move. It seems like v5 may take a bit be fully worked out :) I will pull down the PR, but Hope to help out in the future!
FWIW, the bind:this
issue is already fixed and should be on 5.0.0-next.16
once released (already on the preview REPL). I was going to test my StackBlitz until I realize .16 wasn't published yet.
TBH, that's my plan ATM. As much as I love all the great things coming in Svelte 5, I personally will wait closer to the official release before I focus too much on it. My plan is for Svelte UX (and LayerChart) 1.0 releases to be fully compatibility with Svelte 3/4/5, and 2.0 I'll probably start embracing some of the Svelte 5 features (runes, snippets, etc) which will likely break 3/4 compatibility, but as long as 5 is a drop in replacement for 3/4, I think that's a fair tradeoff.
Just the speed/size improvements in 5 running non-rune mode is exciting.
Thanks for the PR and discussion.
Filed because SelectField.svelte fails to compile with latest Svelte 5.
Thanks @dimfeld for submitting the upstream issue with repo. I've updated this issue's description to make it easy to track any known Svelte 5 compatibility issues. The Svelte team has been amazingly fast resolving these thus far.
Haven't tried it but I think this will hit svelte-ux as well
edit: this one is fixed now
Identified the root cause of the Dialog/Drawer problem (portal'd content with elements in the same conditional) -
Workaround identified -
The SelectField
bug is quite strange... The option setting code gets called a bunch of times, not sure if that's normal or not. But at some point updateSelected is called from the reactive statement, and options
is an empty array instead of the actual options. That's why things get cleared.
Oh actually I figured it out... The problem is that a bunch of the SelectField
controls are binding to the same value
, and one of them is using options={optionsAsync}
, which starts out empty. So at some point when that SelectField runs its reactivity it clears the value since its options don't contain the number, which then propagates back to the first SelectField.
Commenting out the example with optionsAsync
or just making it not use bind
makes everything else work fine.
I think this is actually a case where some of the weird cross-component reactivity problems in Svelte 4 are fixed, and the previous "correct" behavior is only correct because Svelte 4 was losing the reactivity chain at some point. So here we just need to not bind:value
on the optionsAsync SelectField, or perhaps bind to a different value variable.
problem is because getDelay tries to access $timer
but it's also called before timer
is actually created, in the initial call to timerStore
. I think in Svelte 4 the variable declaration for timer
might have been hoisted but it looks like it doesn't work that way anymore, just $timer
is hoisted which now uses accessors to access the value inside the store.
This fixes it although it's a bit of a hack. There's probably a better way to write this but the standard tricks like typeof timer === 'undefined'
didn't work.
<script lang="ts">
+ function getDelay(useTimer = true) {
- function getDelay() {
+ const endTime = end ?? (useTimer ? $timer : null);
+ const newDuration = getDuration(start, endTime, duration);
- const newDuration = getDuration(start, end ?? $timer, duration);
// snip
const timer = timerStore({
+ delay: getDelay(false),
- delay: getDelay(),
disabled: end != null,
onTick: () => {
// Update delay based on display duration
const newDelay = getDelay();
if (newDelay != timer.getDelay()) {
MultiSelect issues are related to mode = "immediate"
The change
event handler in the demo page is called after the await
point in applyChange, which means that it's effectively not part of the "what's happening in this reactive statement" tracking, and it sets value
which then triggers an infinite reactive loop by calling applyChange again.
I'm not 100% sure of the full dependency cycle here, or why it breaks in Svelte 5 but worked on 4, but my current best fix is to wrap the call to applyChange
in a setTimeout.
$: if (mode === 'immediate' && $selection) {
Just spotted another Svelte 5 regression with SelectField
while looking at the docs. Sometimes (but not always) there is an extra empty option at the top.
Did a quick investigation and it looks to go aways unless you add the "append
slot (field actions)" example (along with basic). Having only those 2 examples causes the issue). Probably because the Form on:change is being called more than expected.
<h2>`append` slot (field actions)</h2>
<Toggle let:on={open} let:toggle let:toggleOff>
<SelectField {options}>
<span slot="append" on:click|stopPropagation role="none">
<Button icon={mdiPlus} class="text-surface-content/50 p-2" on:click={toggle} />
on:change={(e) => {
options = [e.detail, ...options];
<Dialog {open} on:close={toggleOff}>
<div slot="title">Create new option</div>
<div class="px-6 py-3 w-96 grid gap-2">
on:change={(e) => {
draft.label = e.detail.value;
on:change={(e) => {
draft.value = e.detail.value;
<div slot="actions">
<Button on:click={() => commit()} color="primary">Add option</Button>
<Button on:click={() => revert()}>Cancel</Button>
Definitely more to look into, but this helps to reduce it down.
So the root issue of the extra SelectField option being added is because <Form on:change={...}>
is dispatched immediately in Svelte 5.
This is because the reactive dispatch in Form is called immediately in Svelte 5 (REPL) but not in Svelte 4 (REPL).
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
let value = 0;
$: dispatch('change', { value });
import Component from './Component.svelte';
<Component on:change={e => console.log('change', e.detail)} />
I'm debating on whether this is a reportable regression, or works as expected ($: console.log(value)
runs immediately in Svelte 4, just not $: dispatch(value)
If not, I need to come up with a solution to wait for the value to change. I initially thought of...
let isMounted = false;
onMount(() => {
isMounted = true;
$: if (isMounted) {
dispatch('change', $_state);
...but then isMounted
is updated reactively, which fires the change event.
@dimfeld thoughts?
One workaround is to use a changeStore
since the form state is a store in this case.
$: dispatch('change', $_state);
const changed = changeStore(_state, (value) => dispatch('change', value.current));
$changed; // must subscribe to store to get onChange callbacks
@dimfeld I decided to go ahead and use the changeStore
fix/workaround. Still curious your thoughts if this change is work a report.
It sounds more like a bug that it wasn't doing this in Svelte 4 :) And actually this is
Yeah anything that suppresses that first firing seems fine.
Using SelectField outside a dialog gives me the following warning in [email protected]. I'm not sure what's causing this, but the select field still seems to work fine until I add another select field, it will break the page because the browser can't repair broken HTML. This results in the error: Uncaught (in promise) HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method.
(index):3922 Placing %sveltekit.body% directly inside <body> is not recommended,
as your app may break for users who have certain browser extensions installed.
Consider wrapping it in an element:
<div style="display: contents">
@iniznet That's rather interesting, and not sure what would be causing that off the top of my head. I first thought it might be because of the portal action, but SelectField/Menu/Popover doesn't use the action (only Dialog/Drawer/Backdrop).
Closing this overarching issue as last remaining (known) regression (MultiSelect mode="immediate"
freezes browser) has been fixed.
All that remains is re-adding API docs, which is being tracking in #435 and will be re-added once the library has been migrated to Svelte 5 (planning for EoY).