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PentBox is a tool that allows us to create honeypot in our system this is written in ruby language.
PenTBox Tutorial
This repository is very old. I even didn't tried it for years. Hope someone send a good PR in Hacktoberfest2021 to update it.[No typo fix, REAL Update]
Pentbox is a safety kit containing various tools for streamlining PenTest conducting a job easily. It is programmed in Ruby and oriented to GNU / Linux, with support for Windows, MacOS and every systems where Ruby is installed.
How to Install
git clone
cd pentbox
tar -zxvf pentbox.tar.gz
cd pentbox
PenTBox Changelog
Version 1.8
New features:
- Command execution in gets (STDIN) implemented. (!command)
- Honeypot now shows attacker's IP and port (thx Shyish)
- Ip grabber direct targeting from email: yahoo,gmail,hotmail & sites like facebook gmail ...etc
- Included log options.
- Wordlist is bigger now.
- Included "back" option on menus. New tools:
- Included new area, Web tools.
- Included new module MAC address geolocation (
- Included new module HTTP directory bruteforce.
- Included new module HTTP common files bruteforce.
- Included exploits for DoS [other/http] 3Com SuperStack Switch DoS [other/http] 3Com OfficeConnect Routers DoS (Content-Type) [windows/ftp] Windows 7 IIS7.5 FTPSVC UNAUTH'D DoS [windows/ftp] Solar FTP Server 2.1 DoS [windows/pptp] MS02-063 PPTP Malformed Control Data Kernel DoS [windows/smb] Windows Vista/7 SMB2.0 Negotiate Protocol Request DoS BSOD
- Included pb_update.rb to update PenTBox from the SVN repository. Bugfixing:
- Fixed issue with SHODAN API.
- Deleted l33t speak and extra menu.
- Improved permissions checking, now it's done by euid, not username (thx r4mosg)
Version 1.4 & 1.5
Code adapted to work with ruby1.9.x and jruby (more performance, native threads ...).
Optimized TCP port scanner, and ping check before scan.
Optimized hash_cracker.rb
Renewed interface with colors (only unix-like) and improvements.
Included RIPEMD-160 to Hash Password Cracker and Multi-Digest.
Added native mode in SYN DoS that uses Raw Sockets.
Added a new mode in the fuzzer -> HTTP headers client fuzzing.
Added protected mode -> Only root can use DoS tools, excellent for installations in servers.
Added a simple configuration in pentbox.rb for interface colors and protected mode.
Unified syn_dos.rb and tcp_dos.rb in one, net_dos.rb
Included pentbox-wlist.txt, that can be used with hash_cracker.rb
New libraries bit-struct, net/dns.rb and racket.
dns_search.rb included -> DNS and host gathering with NS, MX, SHODAN, A bruteforce and PTR IP range.
tcp_dos_auto.rb excluded - To prevent from evil script-kiddies.
fileencr.rb excluded - Crypto libraries was difficult to adapt, and the module was very slow. You can use openssl that is so much better and faster.
sec_im.rb excluded - It wasn't used and not pentesting related.
Version 1.3.2
- FTP fuzzing improved and finished.
- Improved CLI.
- Improved files working.
- Now the Honeypot log have a file by default.
- Added a hping3-based mode to work in syn_dos.rb
- Added Dictionary attack and Dictionary-bruteforce hybrid attack in hash_cracker.rb
- Added SHA384 in digest.rb and hash_cracker.rb
- Now modules integration is with modules and classes, this improve the portability and the performance but the modules can't be executed independently.
- Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
- Minor improvements.
Version 1.3.1
- Added kB/s in TCP DoSer and TCP AutoDoSer.
- Fixed bug in packets counter in TCP DoSers.
- Updated readmes, now are more explicit and clear.
- Code revision (optimization, no bugs founded).
Version 1.3
- Added Crypt Ruby and RubyRc4 libraries.
- Added GOST, ARC4 and Rijndael (aka AES) 256 bits ciphers to Secure IM.
- Improvements in error exceptions and connection on Secure IM.
- fileencr.rb included -> Files encryptor and decryptor that uses Rijndael 256 bits, GOST and ARC4 ciphers.
- Included srand( function in programs that use random numbers.
- Added "Packets per second" in TCP DoSer and TCP AutoDoSer.
- Minor changes in titles of programs.
Version 1.2
- Added "beep() when intrusion" option in Honeypot.
- Added save log option in Honeypot.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Updated GNU/GPLv3 License to 2010.
- Updated Readmes.
- Two new banners at startup.
- fuzzer.rb included -> Fuzzer to find vulnerabilities.
- hexa.rb deleted -> In Internet are a lot of converters.
- Now Secure password generator erases the variables from memory at the end.
Version 1.1
- sec_im included -> Secure IM Client, more info in the program.
- Improved Honeypot stability against DoS/DDoS Attacks.
- Improved general ortography and graphics.
- Added a lot of new code comments.
- Deleted Spanish code comments.
- Optimized tcp_dos.rb and tcp_dos_auto.rb
- Fixed small bugs in hash_cracker.rb
- hexa.rb included -> Hexadecimal converter.
- Re-Maked Menus.
- syn_dos.rb -> Modified Nmap installation and action command.
Version 1.0.1
- Modified code to be clearest and more simple in all archives.
- Added more error exceptions in Honeypot.
- Modified Default Web configuration in Honeypot.
- Fixed traduction problems in Readmes.
- Modified Windows .bat Loader.
- Base64 deleted from digest.rb and hash_cracker.rb
- Added this changelog.txt in the pack.
Version 1.0
- First version of the program.