ckstyles copied to clipboard
Restrict blockstyles to specific tags
Current situation We have defined a blockstyle "lead" which should be available for paragraphs (p-tags). This blockstyle can be selected for paragraphs but also for h2 elements inside the RTE.
Favored behaviour Would be nice if I could restrict the blockstyle to paragraph-tags, so the user cannot select that blockstyle for h2-tags and if he switches an paragaph from a p.lead to a h2 the blockstyle would automatically be removed.
Is that possible somehow?
Currently we just ignore the lead-class for anything else that paragraph-tags, but I would prefer if they would not be even selectable for them.
Unfortunately, this isn't possible at the moment. The workaround you provided is the way I would take in this case.
But we would appreciate your PR to implement this feature!