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transit-json WRITE - roaringbitmap exception
I am saving datasets as transit-json. When I create a dataset with a zoned-date-time column and then convert the type to instant and try to save this dataset as transit-json, then I get an exception. Below is the a namespace to reproduce the problem. The precise exception is logged below as well.
I use latest version of tml ds via latest version of tablecloth.
(ns demo.experiment
[tick.core :as t]
[tech.v3.dataset :as ds]
[tablecloth.api :as tc]
[tech.v3.libs.clj-transit :as tech-transit]
[ :as io]))
(defn t->file
[ds fname]
(with-open [outs (io/output-stream! fname)]
(tech-transit/dataset->transit ds outs)))
(defn sanitize-date [ds]
(tc/convert-types ds {:date [:instant #(t/instant %)]}))
(-> (tc/dataset {:date [(t/zoned-date-time)]
:a [1]
:b [2.0]})
(t->file "zoned.transit-json")
;; => Execution error at com.cognitect.transit.impl.AbstractEmitter/marshal (
;; Not supported: class org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap