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Linux环境下运行 - pending replication details (maybe can't connect to Chrome)
你好,我在linux环境下运行时,在执行r.init()之后,代码一直没有反应。 r.setup()执行正常。 我查看了之前关于linux系统的issue,发现最终好像都没有解决此问题,所以想问一下,这种情况该如何解决。 谢谢!
Hi @liutingqin, if it hangs there, it normally means cannot connect to Chrome browser. Maybe because of company IT policy blocking connecting to Chrome using websocket connection directly.
What is your Python script, do you just do r.init()
Can you do r.debug(True) before r.init() to see if there is any other clue?
我的python script用的你的colab上的代码,所有环境都用的此代码。
Thanks for your reply!
It'll be hard to debug without getting more info using r.debug() before running r.init(). Does using r.debug() show anything?
When you run php -v
from your Ubuntu terminal does it show different results for the 2 Ubuntu?
The rpa package uses TagUI engine which uses 1) built-in PhantomJS engine and 2) PHP in order to convert take the automation instructions and send it to Chrome to automate the actions on Chrome browser. It might be somewhere around there. Or something to do with firewall blocking connecting to Chrome with websocket connection.
(I can understand Chinese you can continue to reply in Chinese)
你好! 我在r.init()的前面,使用了r.debug(),同样没有任何信息,也没有报错。 php的版本是PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14 (cli) (built: Aug 18 2023 11:41:11) (NTS)。 但是我在ubuntu22.04上运行成功了,因为我查了colab上的ubuntu环境版本是22.04,colab上的代码能直接运行成功。 所以我想,是否是相关依赖版本不兼容的问题。 因为我查看之前的issue,403和404issue好像与我的情况一致,最终都没有解决,所以我猜测这是一个普遍性问题。
Can you show me the Python code and steps you take to install and run? On the Ubuntu that does not work.
The Colab example has some setup steps that are designed for the new Ubuntu version, in order to install Chrome.
For example, below steps might not work on older Ubuntu, new Ubuntu requires below to install Chromium browser.
我想应该是要进行r.dump(r.load('/root/.tagui/src/tagui').replace('"google-chrome"', '"chromium"').replace('$headless_switch', '--no-sandbox'), '/root/.tagui/src/tagui')此配置。 但我不知道'$headless_switch'应该换成什么配置才能进行有头访问。
@liutingqin , so sorry I just got to catch up on issues reported here! Thanks for raising this.
Hi @oujiale401 it is on the top of the readme page, the link is https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1or8DtXZP8ZxJYK52me0dA6O9A1dXKKOE?usp=sharing