CFSelenium copied to clipboard
Pathing issues
I've installed the jar here: E:\ColdFusion2018\Instance\lib\CFSelenium-master\lib\selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar
In my application.cfc I have this line: this.javaSettings = { loadPaths = [ 'E:/ColdFusion2018/Instance/lib/CFSelenium-master/lib/selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar' ], loadColdFusionClassPath = true, reloadOnChange = true };
The application is 2 directories down from the instance root: /Util/Selenium/test.cfc
Restart server and run the code: webdriver = "E:/ColdFusion2018/Instance/lib/CFSelenium-master/webdrivers/geckodriver-v0.16.1-win64.exe"; selenium = new cfselenium.SeleniumWebDriver( driverType="firefox", webdriver=webdriver );
ColdFusion says Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface cfselenium.SeleniumWebDriver.
What am I missing?
Do you have a CF Mapping to the cfselenium directory where the SeleniumWebDriver.cfc lives?